Buckminster Fuller Challenge 2010 Finalists announced

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p[images courtesy A HREF=”http://www.barefootcollege.org/” Barefoot College/A, first entrant listed below]/p

pBuckminster Fuller would be proud. The annual challenge held in his name is not some pie-in-the-sky design competition where the slickest rendering wins; instead the A HREF=”http://challenge.bfi.org/” Buckminster Fuller Challenge/A seeks “workable solution[s] to one of the world’s most significant challenges such as water scarcity, food supply, and energy consumption.” 215 entrants from around the world threw their hats into the ring this year, and competition was reportedly stiff./p

pAfter much deliberation six finalists were chosen by A HREF=”http://challenge.bfi.org/jurors” a distinguished 11-member jury/A including Cores fave John Thackara, IMetropolis/I E-in-C Susan Szenasy, Earth University President Jose Zaglul and others. Said BFI Exec Director Elizabeth Thompson, “Strong themes emerged from this year’s pool involving issues around urban agriculture and the built environment, disaster recovery and transition, community engagement and global ecology, and smart business strategies tied to creative use of technology to improve quality of life in the most impoverished parts of the world.”/p

pThe six finalists are as follows:/p

blockquoteBarefoot Women Solar Engineers of Africa, Asia and Latin America (Tilonia, Rajasthan, India)
Training women in remote towns and villages to solar electrify their own communities and to be the ongoing resident solar engineers, thereby catalyzing the local economy and improving quality of life.

pA HREF=”http://challenge.bfi.org/2010Finalist_CalltoFarm” Call to Farm: FarmShare/A (Brooklyn, NY, US)br /
FarmShare reconnects farmers and consumers as co-producers of the foodscape using urban backyards and an online social network. This is a leading model in the emerging urban agricultural movement./p

pA HREF=”http://challenge.bfi.org/2010Finalist_EcoBlvd” Eco-Boulevards/A (Chicago, IL, US)br /
This remedy re-conceives the Chicago street-grid as a holistic Bio-System that captures, cleans and returns wastewater and storm-water to the Lakes. This model could be instrumental in how cities around one of the largest bodies of fresh water operate as mindful gatekeepers of a critical resource./p

pA HREF=”http://challenge.bfi.org/2010Finalist_LivingBuildingChallenge” Living Building Challenge/A (Seattle, WA, US)br /
One of, if not the most, comprehensive set of design and performance based standards related to the built environment. Their purpose is to effect a paradigm shift in our entire approach to the buildings we design, construct, renovate and occupy and to serve as a catalyst for innovation./p

pA HREF=”http://challenge.bfi.org/2010Finalist_OperationHope” Operation Hope: Permanent water and food security for Africa’s impoverished millions/A (Africa and New Mexico, US)br /
This project demonstrates how to reverse desertification of the world’s savannas and grasslands, thereby contributing enormously to mitigating climate change, biomass burning, drought, flood, drying of rivers and underground waters, disappearing wildlife, massive poverty, social breakdown, violence and genocide/p

pA HREF=”http://challenge.bfi.org/2010Finalist_WatergyGreenhouse” Watergy Greenhouse/A (Berlin, Germany)br /
This project is refining a closed system greenhouse that provides extremely efficient farming capabilities in water-scarce communities. It will allow a dramatic shift in resource efficiency for the supply of water, food and renewable material and can be deployed across urban and rural conditions./p

pThe winner will be revealed at a ceremony in Washington DC on June 2nd, 2010 at the National Press Club and will be awarded $100,000 in prize money to honor and encourage further development of their work./blockquotebr /
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Virtual Street Corners


In an effort to bridge gaps between two neighborhoods of Boston, digital media artist John Ewing created the public art project Virtual Street Corners. The project, set to unveil June 2010, uses live video feeds between Boston locales Brookline and Roxbury to encourage neighborly affection between the predominantly African-American and Jewish neighborhoods.


Social action site Dowser highlights Ewing’s effort, which his experience creating public murals around town inspired. In conversations with the public he found people kept to their own neighborhoods, rarely venturing beyond familiar stomping grounds. Virtual Street Corners aims to mediate that disconnect by using video and microphones to encourage virtual dialogue.

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The project has already gained attention for its forward-thinking ideals and technology—Virtual Street Corners won grants from the Black Rock Arts Foundation and the Knight Foundation, and is a finalist for a Cambridge Arts Council grant.

E for Effort Loose Leaf Apparel

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School’s always in with Artware Editions’ E For Effort Loose Leaf tees, bags and tanks, a playful riff on the inexpensive writing paper from youth.

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A collaboration between Brooklyn artists Beka Goedde and Rachel Ostrow, each hand-screen-printed shirt encourages crafty additions to their clean lines.

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The Loose Leaf tees and bag are available by emailing the gallery directly. Shirt prices range from $50 to $65 and just $20 for the tote bag.

The Thing Quarterly: Issue 10


In the age of ubiquitous information, The Thing Quarterly brings back the element of surprise with a subscriber-powered publication kept under lock and key until delivery. Edited by Jonn Herschend and Will Rogan, The Thing is “a periodical in the form of an everyday object,” inviting artists, writers, filmmakers, and other creative types to come up with visual work that incorporates text.

Recently unveiled, writer and radio producer Starlee Kine designed issue 10, featuring an onion cutting board with “Crying Instructions” literally burned onto it. An included locker poster of TV character McNulty from “The Wire” mid-weep plays off the theme.

Kine will host a cooking demonstration for The Thing on 15 May 2010 at NYC’s Housing Works Bookstore Cafe, where she’ll demonstrate the proper methods for cutting an onion in addition to a reading and signing. The event will also include David Lipsky, David Rees and Arthur Jones. Half of all proceeds from copies of The Thing (and 100% from food and drinks) sold will benefit Housing Works, a non-profit offering shelter, medical assistance and other social programs to people with HIV and AIDS.

Kine’s issue also sells as an individual issue for $60 and will sell from Printed Matter in New York, the Mattress Factory Museum Shop in Pittsburgh, The Curiosity Shoppe in San Francisco, and online from The Thing. A yearly subscription runs $200, and will include Kine’s issue as well as future work by artist Chris Johanson, clothing collective Doo.ri, curator Matthew Higgs, and (you heard it here first) actor
James Franco

Every Painting in Two Minutes

Dans l’esprit de la vidéo réalisée par Noah Kalina, voici cette présentation vidéo présentant chacune des peintures exposées actuellement à la galerie du MoMa de New-York. Un travail de l’étudiant et designer Chris Peck, sur la bande son “Mad Rush” de Philip Glass.



Previously on Fubiz

Nejat Talas

Quelques photographies par l’artiste Nejat Talas, basé actuellement à Istanbul. Il travaille pour le milieu de la publicité et de la mode. Il joue énormément avec les retouches, et s’amuse à détourner ses images avec malice. Plus de visuels de son travail dans la suite.










Previously on Fubiz

Maker Faire Detroit and NYC – Call for Makers!

pimg alt=”lily101.jpg” src=”http://s3files.core77.com/blog/images/lily101.jpg” width=”468″ height=”262″ class=”mt-image-none” style=”” //p

pYou know we’re big fans of DIY culture and makers and tinkerers, so we are just super excited that the folks at a href=”http://www.makerfaire.com/”Maker Faire/a are branching out this year and hosting Maker Faires in a href=”http://makerfaire.com/detroit/2010/callformakers/”Detroit/a and a href=”http://makerfaire.com/newyork/2010/callformakers/”NYC/a for the first time ever. For those who need a reminder, Maker Faires are two-day, family-friendly events that celebrate the Do-It-Yourself mindset. They’re for creative, resourceful people of all ages who like to tinker and love to make things. /p

pThat’s you, right? We thought so. Thus, we’ve got two special requests for the core community. Check it out: /p

p1. APPLY. Calling all tinkerers, makers, and dreamers. If you’ve got a great hack that you want to share with the world, especially if it’s something you think might transform kids into maker-juniors, then please apply. The call is open for Detroit and NYC until May 31 and June 30 respectively. Go for it!/p

p2. RECRUIT. If you’ve got connects with maker communities in the fabulous cities of Detroit or New York, then please let the Maker Faire team know. Pop an email to a href=”mailto:sherry@oreilly.com”Sherry/a or a href=”mailto:dale@oreilly.com”Dale/a. They’re eager to spread MAKE culture and we are too. /p

pbr /
photo via a href=”http://blog.craftzine.com/archive/2009/03/craft_video_lilypad_arduino_10.html”CraftZine/a br /
/pa href=”http://www.core77.com/blog/events/maker_faire_detroit_and_nyc_-_call_for_makers_16484.asp”(more…)/a
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Looking Ahead to Fashion Weeks Lincoln Center Debut, Sans Fern Mallis

West siiide! A rendering of the new home of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week.

The countdown is on to the Lincoln Center debut of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week, which will take place September 9 to 16 in Damrosch Park. IMG today unveiled plans for the relocated event, which will feature enhancements to the tents, the ability to stage additional presentations, and access to major transportation routes. Come September, showgoers and designers will find a less chaotic lobby, modified runway theaters and modular designer spaces that support advanced production capabilities, as well as new decor, increased venue/runway sizes, and seating enhancements. In addition to the usual three runway venues (The Theatre, The Stage, and The Studio will replace Bryant Park’s Tent, Promenade, and Salon, respectively) a new fourth presentation space will host designer presentations, industry forums, and press conferences. An expanded web presence is also in the works. All of the improvements won’t translate into increased venue costs for designers, which IMG says will remain the same as in previous seasons. Mercedes-Benz has renewed an agreement to remain the event’s title sponsor for the next three years, but one Fashion Week staple won’t be making the move uptown. Fern Mallis is stepping down from her post as senior vice president of IMG to start her own consulting firm, WWD reports. “It’s something I have been thinking about for a while,” said Mallis, who joined IMG in 2001. “When we were planning the move to Lincoln Center, it felt like closure. It’s time for a new adventure.”

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