Centre Pompidou Metz by Shigeru Ban opens

the Centre Pompidou Metz by Shigeru Ban and French architect Jean de Gastines opens today in Lorraine, France  – Guardian

More information about the building in our earlier story.

Nick Chloé

Un excellent travail, très professionnel, par le duo de photographes français Nick & Chloé (composé de Nick West et de Chloé Claveri). Des shootings et des collaborations avec des marques tels que Levi’s ou Kenzo. De nombreux exemples dans la suite de l’article.




























Previously on Fubiz

For every little thing

A transparent piece of furniture. Opposites like open/closed and concealed/visible separate the elements we normally do not show or see in a home. Obj..

Smithsonian Takes to the Web for Deeper Look at Surface Beauty

freer.jpgTomorrow evening will see Sotheby’s find lucky new owners for such works as a ginormous Warhol self-portrait, Anish Kapoor‘s fun-house-mirrored panic button, and a radiant Rothko whose fiery hues will forever haunt our dreams. Those not busy bidding on Pollocks, de Koonings, and the mesmerizing graphite mist of Agnes Martin can still spend an evening contemplating beauty, which Martin once described as “awareness in the mind.” Beginning at 8:30 p.m. (Eastern) tomorrow, the Smithsonian’s Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery will host “A Deeper Look at Surface Beauty,” a free online colloquium open to anyone who registers here. Inspired by the Freer’s ongoing exhibition exploring the visual philosophy of its neurasthenic founder, the event promises stimulating discussion of “the complicated narratives of cultural transmission and translation that lie beneath the surface harmonies of collector Charles Lang Freer‘s aesthetic vision.” Curators and scholars will weigh in on everything from capturing aestheticism through photography to the musical dimensions of surface beauty. We advise taking in the colloquium whilst sipping a refreshing beverage from a Pewabic Pottery mug.

New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

Fresh talent: Vinciane de Pape

Vinciane de Pape also had a fun project: a profile of local specialty hotdog diner Tubby Dog. The folks at Tubby Dog were so impressed with her book that they have printed copies available for sale. Make sure you have a LARGE appetite before heading down to Tubby Dog!

National Building Museum Honors Civic Innovators

nbmus.jpgThe wondrous institution that is the National Building Museum (whose imminent exhibition on world’s fairs merits a countdown calendar) kept the spring awards extravaganza going strong with tonight’s Honor Award gala, held in the museum’s Great Hall. The award, established in 1986 to recognize individuals and organizations that have made important contributions to America’s building heritage, this year recognized leadership in civic innovation—the ability to conquer societal challenges through creative thinking and inventive design. The 2010 honorees are Perkins+Will (the first architectural firm ever to receive the award); New Orleans Habitat Musicians’ Village founders Harry Connick, Jr., Branford Marsalis, Ann Marie Wilkins, and Jim Pate; and the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon, an intercollegiate solar-powered housing design competition whose 2011 finalists are the subject of a special exhibition now on view at the museum. Check out the tubular, highly buoyant “Monocoque House” concept from the University of Hawaii, the sober and balanced approach advocated by Purdue, and Team China’s spiffy Y-shaped entry.

New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

Fresh talent: Lionel Cipriano

A memorable project of the ACAD class was this style bible by Lionel Cipriano. “The Scripture of Street Style” is a monograph on the photography of The Sartorialist, but it goes beyond just a display of the photos. Lionel analysed the images and categorized them into specific style sections. Illustrations by Phil Chen were diagrammed with the specific clothes and accessories recommended to achieve each look. The book was exquisitely bound, with a red ribbon marker, gilded page edging and foil-stamped typography on the cover taking this project to the next level.

Fresh talent: Zhen Huang

Zhen was another of my students. His book presents the beauty and complexity of Chinese characters to a Western audience. He really immersed himself in the research and nuances of page design.

“Chinese characters and language is the origin of many asian character and language systems. They are amazingly beautiful and carry large amount of history, culture, and art within. The book Zi introduces the basics of one of the greatest human invention – Chinese characters. The book contains its hisotry, styles, and formationm it also contains some famous Chinese poems which allows the readers to truly appreciate the beauty of each Chinese character. I applied my knowledge of graphic design from both eastern and western culture to create this book and to introduce Chinese culture to western audience.”

Fresh talent: Amy Adele Seymour

UPPERCASE extends our congratulations to UK illustrator Amy Adele Seymour who has been accepted into a masters in illustration program. We’ve included Amy’s work in two issues of the magazine: as part of the “What I Wore Today” article and in the “Gallery of Foxes” in our current issue.

Fresh talent: Brittany Hellec

There’s a new crop of design and illustration talent from the Alberta College of Art & Design. One of my publication design students, Brittany Hellec, has some good work in her portfolio. I was particularly impressed with Brittany’s work ethic and thorough research for her “Hair: A History” book. The subject matter — and this motion graphic below — highlight her sense of humour, play and smarts. Brittany is just starting her career in design and welcomes your freelance assignments or job leads.

Are you fresh out of college and want to show your work on our blog? Contact us via our suggestion page.