Mishka Anarcho New Era

Mishka ha rilasciato l’atteso New Era ‘Anarcho’. Lo trovate in vendita qui.

????? Anarcho New Era


Il fotografo Jason Travis esplora i contenuti delle borse di hipster statunitensi, questo è il suo set su Flickr.





Workspace of the Week: Desk drawer cleanup

This week’s Workspace of the Week is Maureen’s uncluttered desk drawer:

I am one of those odd people who could waste hours a day looking at pictures of well-organized desk drawers. They make me incredibly happy, and this one is spectacular. There is place for everything, and everything is in its place. It’s serene. Blissful. Calming.

And, what is even better, there are “before” pictures on Maureen’s blog. It’s a makeover drawer!

Thank you, Maureen, for submitting your terrific drawer to our Flickr pool.

Want to have your own workspace featured in Workspace of the Week? Submit a picture to the Unclutterer flickr pool. Check it out because we have a nice little community brewing there. Also, don’t forget that workspaces aren’t just desks. If you’re a cook, it’s a kitchen; if you’re a carpenter, it’s your workbench.

Gastrotype Berlin

Gastrotype Berlin, gran lavoro di Nacho Gallego.

Gastrotype Berlin

Free fonts

Se volete aggiornarvi il libro fonts, qui ne trovate una 20ina free niente male.

Free fonts

Elbphilharmonie by Herzog de Meuron

Yesterday saw the topping-out ceremony of Herzog & de Meuron’s philharmonic hall on the river Elbe in Hamburg. (more…)

Old Blood makes way for New Blood

After the reaction to last year’s campaign for its New Blood event, D&AD has taken a different tack with its latest promotional work. The posters still feature prominent members of the creative community, but each is depicted at the point of ending it all: the quality of the New Blood on the horizon proving too much to bear…

Promoting D&AD’s showcase of the best student work is a tricky job. While the spotlight is firmly on the graduates, will showing one student piece on a poster convey the wide range of projects on show; or be appealing enough to attract the visitors from the wider creative industry?

While the organisation obviously wants to celebrate the quality of its membership (and add an aspirational quality to what being at New Blood might bring a young graduate), at the same time this can run the risk of appearing too elitist and clubby. Indeed, last year, the general feeling from commenters on the CR Blog was that the 2009 posters appeared rather pompous, with various creatives announcing their attendence at New Blood – the idea being that catching their eye, meeting with their approval, could lead to a great career.

But, understandably, it’s famous faces that get the interest up. In the new campaign (“Sorry old blood, the new blood has arrived”), shot by David Stewart and designed by NB: Studio, there’s certainly an interesting spin on how the creative elite might react once the students unveil their work. Gun to the head? Exhaust pipe through the car window? Rather cleverly, it actually flips last year’s controversial tagline on its head, with each creative seemingly declaring, “I won’t be there.”

As ever, we will be at New Blood this year and will be sure to feature some of the best work we see on the CR blog.

D&AD New Blood takes place at the Old Truman Brewery E1 6QR from Thursday 24 until Monday 28 June, as part of the Free Range season. Graduates of more than 50 different courses from universities around the UK are exhibiting this year.

Michael Wolff: making way for the New Blood. Text, top right, reads: NB: Michael Wolff was not harmed during the making of this poster. And anyway, he wouldn’t be seen dead in a German brand.

Text, top right, reads: NB: Alex Taylor was not harmed during the making of this poster and continues to Art Direct at the very highest level.

Text, top right, reads: NB: Al Young and Al Young were not harmed during the making of this poster and will live to be Al Old and Al Old.

Text, top right, reads: NB: Dick Powell was not harmed during the making of this poster but the toast was toast.

Text, top right, reads: NB: Laura Jordan Bambach was not harmed during the making of this poster, but sadly, the Mac didn’t make it.

Text, top right, reads: NB: Paul Davis was not harmed during the making of this poster but now prefers working with very soft crayons.

Text, top right, reads: NB: Peter Hale didn’t suffer any grievous bodily harm during the making of this poster and continues to work at GBH.

ALPA 12 TC camera by Estragon

Swiss studio Estragon have designed a camera for Swiss camera manufacturer ALPA. (more…)

Belgrade Design Week 2010

The fifth edition of Belgrade Design Week will be held from May 29th to Jun 6th 2010 and it will again transform Belgrade into a true epicenter of cre..

Plain Air by Patrick Norguet for TLV

Paris designer Patrick Norguet has designed a circular wall-mounted air purifier that sucks air in through vents in the top and expels it through a funnel on the front. (more…)