Nike78 Project

Nike78 is a design project initiated by soon-to-be LCC graduate Paul Jenkins, who has given 78 pairs of Nike shoes out to designers and creatives internationally and asked them to “challenge the function of a pair of Nike shoes”. The results are now up in an online gallery.


The project came about after the LCC was offered a selection of shoes by Nike that were leftover from its 1948 concept store, for a student to use in a project. Jenkins came up with the idea to use the shoes to encourage new design ideas. In devising the list of collaborators, he drew on the knowledge he attained while interning in Berlin as part of the LCC ‘year in industry’ that selected students on the BA Graphic and Media Design take part in. “Whilst I was interning in Berlin, my night job was sourcing creative talent worldwide,” says Jenkins. “I didn’t want Nike78 to be just another creative project with the same people and the same styles of work produced. Instead I invited people who from their style/work/projects I could see had a touch of conceptual excellence.”


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A selection of the resulting concepts are shown here. Shown top is Wieden + Kennedy TokyoLAB’s contribution, which sees a Nike shoe reconfigured as a fish tank. A film of the shoe-tank in action is shown above. “The shoes we received were Nike Air Max 360, which emphasises the air in the soles more than any other Nike shoe,” say W+K TokyoLAB. “So we decided to create something based on the concept of air. What we did was keep the soles filled with air as is, but take off the upper part of the shoe and use it to mould a clear material into that shape. This became an aquarium for goldfish.”


Adrian Newell used his shoe to create a typeface that could be used to represent Nike. “I used the soles of the shoe to create prints and based the typeface on the digital timer seen at the end of the 100m track,” he says.


Erica Dorn and This Is Studio took a more homely approach, creating a cake and a pair of knitted Nike shoes respectively. Dorn describes her ‘Marathon Cake’ as “the edible negative calorific equivalent of a full-length marathon”. Yum.


Niek Eijsbouts of KesselsKramer ad agency in Amsterdam wrote a number of poems inspired by his shoes, one of which is shown above.


Dan Mather, by contrast, transformed his Nikes into cycling shoes compatible with clipless/SPD pedals.


Matthew Dent used the materials and textures of his Nike shoe to create a book filled with characters running the marathon.


Riitta Ikonen and Ian Wright collaborated for the project, using their Nike shoes to create these fashionable masks. “An athletically challenged and visually impaired pair, we went for sporting the face rather than the body,” they say.


The rest of the outcomes of the project can be viewed online at Jenkins will also be exhibiting many of them at a showcase of the project at this year’s London Design Festival in September.

Core77 Gallery: Bespoke: The Handbuilt Bicycle

pa href=””img alt=”nyc-gallery-bespoke2.jpg” src=”” width=”468″ height=”326″ class=”mt-image-none” style=”” //a/p

pNew York’s Museum of Art and Design presents twenty-one hand-built bicycles this month by six internationally renowned bicycle builders. Check out our gallery and visit the show before it closes on August 15. /p

p a href=””view gallery/a/pa href=””(more…)/a
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Fubiz x Offf Paris

Fubiz est partenaire du festival Offf Paris pour sa 10e édition. Une présence à la Villette du 24 au 26 juin, afin d’explorer les dernières tendances en matière de création numérique. 3 jours de conférences, performances et soirées : nous vous offrons pour l’occasion 15 places dans la suite.

Voici ci-dessous les détails de la dotation à remporter, grâce à un tirage au sort dans les commentaires ou en partageant l’article sur Twitter jusqu’au 6 juin 2010 minuit :

– 5 pass pour 3 jours complet, offert par Offf.
– 5 pass x 2 soirées “Offfbeat” au Social Club, offert par le Social Club.
– 5 pass x 2 soirées de clôture “Offfbeat” au Showcase, offert par Uzik.


Parmi les créateurs confirmés : The Mill, Keith Schofield, H5, Koichiro Tanaka, Non-Format, Daniel Shiffman, Joachim Sauter, Christopher Hewitt, Julien Vallée, Michael Paul Young, Dixon Baxi, Wooster Collective, Craig Ward, Dvein, Multitouch Bcn, Joshua Davis, …


Programme des conférences – Réservation pour le festival Offf – Site officiel Offfbeat

Previously on Fubiz

TSAR by Florian Brillet

Paris architect Florian Brillet has created a coffee table with a branching structure. (more…)

Smart Design is seeking a Senior Industrial Designer in New York

pa href=”” border=”0″img alt=”coroflot_design_jobs.jpg” src=””/ /a/p

pstronga href=””Senior Industrial Designer/a
brSmart Design/strongbr /New York, NY/p

pAs a Senior Industrial Designer, not only will you deliver the highest quality design solutions while respecting a project budget, you will guide a multi-disciplinary team to help realize a project’s goals. You will work with some of the world’s best known brands in categories such as housewares, consumer electronics, healthcare, and packaging – shaping their future strategy and implementing tactile solutions./p

pa href=””raquo; view/a/p

pemThe best design jobs and portfolios hang out at a href=””Coroflot/a./em/pa href=””(more…)/a
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ICSID announces winner of 2010 World Industrial Design Day poster competition

pimg alt=”0ivanbojan_med.jpg” src=”” width=”468″ height=”360″ class=”mt-image-none” style=”” //p

pThe International Council of Societies of Industrial Design A HREF=”” has announced the winners/A of their poster design contest: Ivan Orin Vrkas Bojan Kristofic of the University of Zagreb, Croatia. This year’s theme for the upcoming June 29th World Industrial Design Day is “Industrial Design: Humane solutions for a resilient world,” and Vrkas and Kristofic’s poster, as seen above, stayed on message with a recycling theme:/p

blockquoteOur process of thought started with the five basic needs of every human being: water, food, health, a home, and energy. As we believe industrial design can fulfill these needs, and the perfect way to do it is through the development of recycling and reusable energy technologies. We chose the promotion of this idea as our basic concept.

pTo further enhance the readability of our basic message, we chose a strong statement: “Don’t throw anything away, there is no away”. Thus, solving the content, we moved on to the illustration./p

pWe found that the only way the illustration could follow the meaning of the copy, is if the copy was indeed made out of old, thrown away items. For each of the five basic human needs, we chose a few corresponding items that we collected from our basements, attics and garbage disposal units./p

pAs the copy is read, the illustration flows with its meaning. We accomplished this by dividing it into three parts, beginning with the collection of resources, following with the transportation of resources, and ending with the processing of resources into the fulfillment of the aforementioned needs./p

pWe photographed the lettering and put it all together in photoshop. The final product of our two weeks worth of work is the attached poster. We hope you have as much fun viewing it as we had in making it./blockquote/p

pA HREF=”” Click here/A to see the /
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New Yorks MTA Prepares to Release New Subway Map Design


In case you missed the big news before the long weekend, New York’s Metropolitan Transportation Authority has announced that it will be releasing a newly redesigned copy of its subway map sometime this June, the first update it’s had since 1998 (which was really just a continuation of the one made post-1979 when Massimo Vignelli‘s map was retired). The new map will make Manhattan a bit wider for easier reading, adds some drop shadow to the individual lines, changed up the colors and names a bit here and there, cut way back on the connecting bus information, and most fun of all: illustrates the service reductions, trimmed due to dwindling finances. For comparison, the NY Times put together this great illustration showing the differences between the current map and the upcoming new one.

New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

One Laptop Per Child Formally Announces $100 Tablet Project

Remember way back, from 2007 to around 2008, when all the talk was about One Laptop Per Child? Well, as of this weekend, it looks like 2010 will be a repeat of all that. Rumored since December of last year, late this past week marked the official announcement that OLPC is planning to launch an iPad-like tablet by the end of this year. Their current plans call for being able to sell them for $100, with the building cost coming in at around $75/per. Here’s the organization’s founder, MIT‘s Nicholas Negroponte, revealing and explaining the new tablet:

New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

House in Kodaira by Suppose Design Office

Japanese architects Suppose Design Office have completed a house in Tokyo surrounded on one side by a tent. (more…)

Transforming furniture

We’ve featured some transforming wall beds on the site before, and now we want to show you more of them in action. The New York company Resource Furniture has made a demonstration video of all of their amazing space-saving furniture:

Actually, they’ve made two videos, but the second one is produced in a way that kind of makes me motion sick. Regardless, if you live in a small home or have a room that serves multiple purposes, transforming furniture can be a wonderful way to make better use of your space.