AmoebaCorp Wins a Webby!

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AmoebaCorp’s redesign for the Pop Shoppe website, which was unveiled in August, has won a Webby for its imaginative animation.

For those who’ve never heard  the Webby Awards, they’re comparable to the Oscars, but in the digital realm. The Pop Shoppe site, which celebrates the brand’s larger-than-life personality, was built around the concept of an alternate world that lives inside a Pop Shoppe bottle and features a bevy of highly inventive and colourful cartoon-based characters. Amoeba was pleased to collaborate with OneMethod Inc. Digital + Design, as well as sound design firm Tattoo Music + Sound and movie animation firm ON THE CHASE! Motion Design.

“We’re designers but a few of us are also illustrators and animators and all of us are fundamentally kids at heart. To be able to come into the office every day and have a serious discussion about who should win a staring contest between a Sasquatch and a Yeti is pretty much the definition of a dream project”; said Mikey Richardson, who along with the rest of the team at Amoeba Corp, were really pleased to hear about the win. Be sure to check out the Pop Shoppe site to see what the buzz is about!

Breaking: goes live

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Turn your volume up and check it out.

We have been working for months on this site and it’s finally here. We’re proud to say that not only did we do all the artwork including character development and interface design, we also wrote and performed all the vocal acting (including fart noises), that you’ll find on the site.

Big thanks to our partners: web developers One Method, sound gurus TA2 and animator Julian Brown who helped immensely in bringing the site to life. Cheers!

Sign this petition!

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The name “pineapple” does no justice to and besmirches the reputation of this fine tropical fruit. Let your voice be heard here.

The Pop Shoppe Shout Out

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Packaging blog is featuring our work for The Pop Shoppe from a few years ago.

It’s interesting timing to see this work again because we’re hard at work on a new and exciting project that will be launching sometime this summer. It’s top secret so all I can tell you is that The Pop Shoppe will have an ewnay ebsiteway *wink, wink* in a couple of months. Stay tuned.