The Tower of Droplets by Sir Peter Cook and Gavin Robotham

CRAB by Sir Peter Cook and Gavin Robotham

This algae-producing tower designed by Sir Peter Cook and Gavin Robotham of London studio CRAB came second in the recent Taiwan Tower Conceptual International Competition.

CRAB by Sir Peter Cook and Gavin Robotham

The project, a conceptual design for Taichung in Taiwan, features a tower with a series of steel cages attached that will be covered in algae to produce biofuel.

CRAB by Sir Peter Cook and Gavin Robotham

The competition was won by this design featuring floating observation decks attached to giant helium balloons.

The following information is from the architects:


From a field of 237 entries from 25 countries, London’s Cook Robotham Architecture Bureau will receive the $ 65,000 second prize for a tower that is based upon the growing of algae in layers of droplets.

The entire tower is inspired by the creation of energy. Living energy which must be……… Visible living energy SYMBOLISING THE VISIBLE ENERGY, ENTERPRISE AND INVENTIVE OPTIMISM OF THE TAIWANESE PEOPLE. The droplets are the primary elements of this process. Their activity, presence and form resonate throughout the scheme.

Much of the tower is open to the public to view the processes at close quarters. Even from the lifts, the daily state of vegetable husbandry will be visible. A variety of different arrangements of plantation and localized environment are distributed over its length. The principal purpose of the tower is to CREATE ALGAE.

When watered and filtered the algae create BIOMASS used as food for fish and plants and for making paper and BIOFUEL for powering engines. This process takes CO2 (a known hazard in Taiwan) out of the environment.

In the basic tower we provide 10.888 M2 surface of algae which produces 3,266,400 liters of oil and produces several thousand tons of biomass in a year. The same structure could be further developed – with accumulated Income and more bags to a maximum of double the surface and thus creating 6,532,800 liters of oil.

The structure is a series of steel lattices that wind around the steel elevator cores. The droplets are steel cages with membrane skinning. There are 3 observation levels:

TOP OBSERVATION LEVEL : overlooks the mountains
MID OBSERVATION LEVEL : contains areas of hydroponic vegetation growth : enabling PUBLIC VIEWING of plants and processes
LOWER OBSERVATION LEVELS : contain aviaries and aquaria

There are 3 office zones, all are used by the City development Authority. THE MUSEUM at the base of the tower contains 5 floors On its top are viewable algae systems. At middle levels are exhibition zones based of techniques developed by the authors at the Kunsthaus Graz (Austria) and the War Museum of the North.

Tower team : Jenna Al-Ali, Nuria Blanco, Lorene Faure, Selma Johannson
Consulting Engineer : Miike Kaverne of Buro Happold

See also:


Hydrogenase by
Vincent Callebaut
Eco-pods by Howeler + Yoon
& Squared Design Lab
More green sustainable
on Dezeen

Floating Observatories by, DSBA and Mihai Carciun

Floating Observatories by

This conceptual tower for Taiwan by Romanian firms upgrade.studioDSBA and Mihai Carciun in the USA would feature observation decks floating up and down each side on helium balloons. 

Floating Observatories by

Called Floating Observatories, the design is the winner of the Taiwan Tower Conceptual International Competition and would incorporate a museum, information centre, offices, conference centre and restaurant.

Floating Observatories by

The protruding pods would accommodate 50-80 people and glide up and down the tower controlled by a magnetic field.

Floating Observatories by

The following details are from DSBA:

Taiwan Tower Conceptual International Competition

“FLOATING OBSERVATORIES” Proposal by Dorin STEFAN’s DSBA, Mihai CARCIUN and wins the “Taiwan Tower” Conceptual International Competition

“Starting from the ‘geographical’ visual of Taiwan ‐ which is an island resembling a leaf ‐ we have developed the concept of the technological tree: we have designed 8 spatial leaves (with eight being a propitious number in the local culture) in the form of zeppelin‐like elevators which glide up and down the ‘tree trunk” and which serve the purpose of observation decks / belvedere.

Floating Observatories by

I have called these elevators floating observatories because each has a nacelle which can take 50 to 80 people; they are self‐sustained by helium balloons and are built from lightweight materials (borrowed from the spacecraft industry) and are wrapped in a last‐generation type of membrane (PTFE) and they glide vertically on a track positioned vertically in a strong electro‐magnetic field” ‐ Dorin STEFAN, Principal, DSBA*

Floating Observatories by

The tower layers underground and ground level spaces as well as in its vertical reach, the functions required by the conceptual theme: information center, museum, office and conference space, restaurants, fixed observation desks.

Floating Observatories by

Apart from the fact that we aim to design a tower whose silhouetted out of line echoes the local symbolism and has great impact in terms of visual identity, our solution is at the same time a model of green architecture:

  • minimum footprint at land level; – maximum green area surface; – all circulations are vertically integrated (main and secondary functions for both services and tourists);
  • the „chimney” effect is used for the natural ventilation of various functional areas;
  • the office and services areas in the tower have a 360° orientation, which offers the possibility to minimize the green‐house effect through the use of cross‐ventilation; – the electrical energy is produced by: a system of axial turbines located along the vertical central core; adjustable photovoltaic panels on the whole height of the tower
  • the lighting of the basement areas and of the museum spaces under the sandwich slab (structure‐plants earth‐pedestrian traffic) is done through a fiber optics dome system;
  • heating of the floating observatories are done through an electromagnetic field using the electrical power created by the new generation membrane which wraps the helium tanks and captures through photovoltaic transmission;
  • the rain water is collected from all platforms into a tank situated in the basement; there is a purification station near the rain water tank so that water can be reused for: washing; irrigation of the green areas; running water for toilets;
  • there is a geothermal power station in the basement for the warming of the areas in cold season and for hot water;

“Even though the floating observatories design was influenced by the sci‐fi computer gaming culture they are feasible and play a major role for the pathway of the tower’s museum by adding a new vertical dimension. Seen from above, the city itself becomes the key exhibit for the Museum of Taichung City Development.

Floating Observatories by

Seen from inside the museum, when they are nested, the floating observatories become themselves exhibits, fascinating proof of the present technological achievements.”‐ Bogdan CHIPARA, DSBA Architect

Floating Observatories by

“We have been previously engaged in a series of experimental collaborations with Dorin STEFAN (also our former teacher) which is why, by the time of this competition, we had already developed a versatile and challenging way of approaching the design task. This made the path from the strong initial idea to the final proposal a rather smooth flow, which is a rare thing to be able to say about an international competition’s development.” ‐ Claudiu BARSAN‐PIPU & Oana Maria NITUICA (**)

Floating Observatories by

project team: Dorin STEFAN architect leader(DSBA*) Mihai Bogdan CRACIUN architect, partner in project(USA) Bogdan CHIPARA, architect in charge(DSBA*) Claudiu BARSAN‐PIPU , architect(**) Oana NITUICA , architect(**) Anda STEFAN, Adrian ARENDT, Corina FODOR , architects(DSBA*)

Floating Observatories by

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Floating Observatories by

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Floating Observatories by

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Floating Observatories by

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Floating Observatories by

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Floating Observatories by

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Floating Observatories by

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Floating Observatories by

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Floating Observatories by

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See also:


MAD in
Next-Gene 20
in Taiwan
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