adidas Originals x Pharrell Williams

La collabo di oggi è adidas Originals x Pharrell Williams. adidas lavorerà a stretto contatto con Bionic Yarn, azienda di tessuti di proprietà dello stesso Pharrell. I primi pezzi della collezione sono prevista per questa estate. We are Happy.

Black Franklin Wallet

Di I Love Ugly, lo trovate qui.

Black Franklin Wallet

Black Franklin Wallet

Black Franklin Wallet

Erin Lightfoot Jewelry: Colorfully patterned porcelain bangles from a talented designer-turned-ceramicist

Erin Lightfoot Jewelry

While her textile designs are currently impressing attendees at Brisbane, Australia’s Seven With Another Retrospective—a biannual art exhibition presented by Powerhouse Arts, where seven teams of two…

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Baldwin Denim Women’s Collection: The Kansas City brand expands its casual yet contemporary closet staples

Baldwin Denim Women's Collection

When Baldwin Denim opened a new store in their home base of Kansas City last year, the brand quietly soft launched a women’s collection which they showcased in-store. Ever since, we’ve been eagerly waiting to…

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Olivers Apparel: From the gym to the streets and anywhere in between, a versatile pair of shorts with burly construction to match

Olivers Apparel

Balancing versatility with simplicity, San Francisco-based Olivers Apparel sets out to inject a bit of sophistication in the fit and styling of men’s athletic apparel. Their very first offering, the ); return…

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Lazy Oaf + Garfield Summer ’14 Collection: The East London label meets the godfather of grumpy cats for a colorful and nostalgic summer collection

Lazy Oaf + Garfield Summer '14 Collection

Before Grumpy Cat became an internet sensation and a meme standard, Garfield (created by American cartoonist Jim Davis) starred in feature films, garnered multiple Emmys, broke a Guinness World Record for most widely syndicated comic strip…

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IUTER PR1MO Collection

La novità per la stagione SS2014 di IUTER si chiama PR1MO. Una collezione differente da quello che siamo abituati a vedere sui capi IUTER. Il tutto diventa molto più minimale e sobrio ma con una forte ricerca sui materiali e tessuti come cotoni con effetto 3D, stampe ad alta definizione su nylon e pattern. Il tutto realizzato in Italia. Nei migliori negozi.

IUTER PR1MO Collection

IUTER PR1MO Collection

IUTER PR1MO Collection

Rapha SS14 Hooded Wind Jacket: A lightweight, DWR-coated jacket that’s perfect for spring riding

Rapha SS14 Hooded Wind Jacket

Like the groans and gripes that winter will never release its grasp, the temperatures around NYC (and the Northern Hemisphere in general) have finally begun to ease up. While T-shirt weather is still some time away, now is the right time to bring…

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Nike Free Woven 4.0 ‘Black/Turbo Green’

Forse la miglior combo di colori per la Nike Free Woven 4.0 la trovate su atmos.

Petal by Pedal: Fresh, seasonal flowers from local farmers, delivered by bike throughout Manhattan

Petal by Pedal

In today’s culture, sending flowers has become a monotonous act that has lost some of its meaning; another chore to cross off the to-do list made easy through various methods: online sites, Whole Foods, even the bodega across the street. Trying to re-inject…

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