Olivers Apparel: From the gym to the streets and anywhere in between, a versatile pair of shorts with burly construction to match

Olivers Apparel

Balancing versatility with simplicity, San Francisco-based Olivers Apparel sets out to inject a bit of sophistication in the fit and styling of men’s athletic apparel. Their very first offering, the ); return…

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adidas Energy Boost II

Le mie scarpe preferite da running passano alla seconda versione. Da circa un annetto uso la prima release e posso dirvi che dopo qualche chilometro, non potrete più farne a meno. Sono leggere, flessibili, la tomaia in Techfit ti avvolge il piede come una calza compressa e la suola boost fa tutto il resto. Le nuove dovrebbero ricalcare le caratteristiche della sorella maggiore salvo un upgrade di migliorie tecniche. Sul sito del trifoglio le danno in arrivo e io ovviamente non vedo l’ora di averle ai piedi.

adidas Energy Boost II

adidas Energy Boost II

adidas Energy Boost II

Where People Run Series

Nathan Yau de FlowingData a cartographié les itinéraires des coureurs de 22 villes, dont 18 aux Etats-Unis. Il s’est servi de RunKeeper pour pister les circuits des sportifs et a remarqué que les circuits se trouvaient près des parcs et de l’eau. Des cartes à découvrir, où les sportifs courent les uns sur les baskets des autres.









Washington DC.



Los Angeles.

New York.




Salt Lake City.

San Francisco.





Z DC-feature
San Francisco
Salt Lake City
Los Angeles
1 Paris

Link About It: This Week’s Picks : Philip Seymour Hoffman’s inimitable talent, architecture in ice, bionic hands and more in our weekly look at the web

Link About It: This Week's Picks

1. Farewell, Philip Seymour Hoffman The number of thoughtful tributes and articles about the tragic passing of Philip Seymour Hoffman is a veritable testament to the huge loss the public feels—let alone that of his colleagues, friends and family. Tom Junod of Esquire…

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Enduro Bites: Gluten-free, all-natural energy food with dark chocolate and Adriatic figs

Enduro Bites

Whether it’s skiing, running, or pushing the pedals on the road or single track, your body needs fuel to keep moving. As much as we’d like to nosh on a burrito during a long ride, it doesn’t exactly travel well. There’s no shortage…

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Lambos for Your Legs

Upon seeing Lamborghini’s wild Veneno concept, experienced shoe designer Jeremiah Obuobi felt compelled to design a shoe that embodied the same design language. The result is this wicked-looking runner that, like the Lambo, is focused on optimum aerodynamics and stability to achieve a equally dynamic experience when the wearer tackles the road on foot rather than by car.

Designer: Jeremiah Obuobi

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs – Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Shop CKIE – We are more than just concepts. See what’s hot at the CKIE store by Yanko Design!
(Lambos for Your Legs was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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  2. Who Says A Desk Needs 4 Legs?
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Nike Run

Ho scovato per caso questa vecchia adv di Nike Run risalente credo al 2007 e prodotta dall’agenzia francese DDB. Nice.

Nike Run

The Art of Freerunning

Focus sur Tomasz Gudzowaty, photographe renommé dont nous avons pu parler sur Fubiz à plusieurs reprises, qui revient avec une superbe série en noir et blanc appelée « The Art of Freerunning ». Il met en avant cette pratique physique millimétrée, semblable à une chorégraphie dans l’environnement urbain.

The Art of Freerunning10
The Art of Freerunning9
Freerunning - the art of movement
The Art of Freerunning5
The Art of Freerunning4
The Art of Freerunning3
The Art of Freerunning2
Freerunning - the art of movement
The Art of Freerunning
The Art of Freerunning11

Nike Tech Pack: Tech Fleece

Nike è sempre sul pezzo quando vogliamo parlare di innovazione. L’attenzione si è spostata sul più classico dei capi sportivi: la felpa. Grazie all’innovativo tessuto Nike Tech Fleece è stato possibile ottenere il massimo del calore con un tessuto leggerissimo che si adatta perfettamente ai movimenti naturali di chi lo indossa. Eccovi una veloce selezione per capire di cosa sto parlando. In arrivo per la prossima stagione del freddo.

Nike Tech Pack: Tech Fleece

Nike Tech Pack: Tech Fleece

Nike Tech Pack: Tech Fleece

Nike Tech Pack: Tech Fleece

Nike Tech Pack: Tech Fleece

The Power of YOU

This clever gadget, called Activ, makes it possible to harness the kinetic energy created by your own body! The personal electricity generator was designed to be worn on the knee- with each step, it juices up the battery a little more. After it’s full, just attach a USB cord directly to Activ to power your cell phone or other device. Instead of plugging into the wall… plug into you!

Designer: Ben Azzam

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs – Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Shop CKIE – We are more than just concepts. See what’s hot at the CKIE store by Yanko Design!
(The Power of YOU was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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  1. Autonomous Power Train Power
  2. Power Wherever You Want It
  3. Power Of Three