Morgan Legend Store

Leggendario…un po’ come la sua storia (nel bene e nel male) sulla scena della tavola milanese, Morgan apre finalmente le porte al www. Fatevi una session e anche qualche acquisto qui.

Morgan Legend Store

Camper Store in New York

Le studio japonais de design Nendo a conçu l’intérieur du nouveau magasin de chaussures de la marque espagnole « Camper » à New York. Les équipes ont couvert les murs avec plus de 1000 chaussures blanches. Une création étonnante à découvrir en images dans la suite l’article.

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Camper Store in New York
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Suitcase Store

Suitcase Store, c’est un projet video de l’agence Pool pour la marque de vêtements suédois « Brothers ». Avec une superbe réalisation de Emil Klang, cette vidéo montre la création de façon artisanale d’une valise géante dans laquelle est exposée toute une gamme de vêtements élégants. A découvrir dans la suite.

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Suitcase Store
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Paris Liquor Store

The Paris Liquor Store est une nouvelle adresse de la capitale française pensée pour tous les amateurs d’alcools « tendance ». Avec une direction artistique très réussie réalisée par Ninjaz, ces créations typographiques à la craie et au posca sont à découvrir en images dans la suite.

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Saturdays Surf NYC Kobe Store

Forse uno dei surf shop più chiacchierato del momento, Saturdays Surf NYC, apre un nuovo store a Kobe. Su fng trovate la gallery completa.

Saturdays Surf NYC Kobe Store

Core77’s Hand-Eye Supply Presents The American Image Safety Spectacle


You won’t want to keep these in the shop – wear them out on the town – keep chic while maintaining splash protection from nocturnal hazards such as face-flung drinks of jilted lovers. Entertain neophytes with impromptu lessons in plastic molding, showing off the frames’ inverted bridge mold cavity – truly a structural and aesthetic triumph – and the primitive radii of the lens-fastening lip.

$10.00 at Core77’s Hand-Eye Supply store
Available in “Ghost Fog Saber White”, “Montepulciano” and “Painter’s Tape”



Cool Hunting Videos Presents: Aether SF: A behind-the-scenes look at San Francisco’s newest and most unique retail space

Cool Hunting Videos Presents: Aether SF

As longtime fans of Aether’s sophisticated line of outerwear, we jumped at the chance to visit their first brick and mortar retail location. The recently opened San Francisco shop is uniquely constructed from three shipping containers, and is now home to an even more intriguing inventory system. To maximize…

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KEEN Garage: The Portland brand opens a sustainably renovated, interactive space downtown

KEEN Garage

Continuing their commitment to conservation and sustainability, the KEEN Garage in downtown Portland, Oregon reopened after a 10-month renovation of a 105-year-old building that generated less than one dumpster of waste. Incorporating many salvaged elements from the former space opened in 2010, the new Garage presents a playful and…

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X-Mas-Apocalypse – YOUR LAST HOURS! … to get Pre-Christmas Delivery from Core77’s Hand-Eye Supply!


THE FINAL CHANCE! …to thank you for hanging-in this month with our hucksterism: mercifully it is drawing to a close and we can all get on with some season-appropriate party action! But before you hit the nog/ grog/ gluhwein, why don’t you drop by Core77’s Hand-Eye Supply store and pick out a few last minute items?

We are keeping our shipping desk open till 5pm Pacific time, get an order in by then – choose the cheap shipping option and we’ll upgrade it to priority, ensuring arrival in the continental US on Monday.

It’s over! Good job everyone, the apocalypse has been averted! – Merry X-mas!

Avoid Santa-Cat’s Fate and Order Now.


Core77’s Hand-Eye Holidays #9: Sublime Shredder


The gif above says it all. Crank away sensitive documents AND pent-up anxiety, feeling the tiny teeth take nibble after nibble with barely a sound. This is Japanese so accepts A4 paper, which is smaller than 8.5″x11″, meaning American documents will need to be folded before their demise. We ran two folded sheets through at once without any problem. Do not shred the items noted below.

Yuento Manual Shredder
Available at Core77’s Hand-Eye Supply


