Skeleton Inspired Furniture Series

The Spaceframe furniture series is based on the natural form of a vertebrate- a central “backbone” element defines the overall shape of the chair and branches out into a set of “ribs” that form the seat. Composed of CNC machine-cut plywood, the components are planar until combined, without screws or adhesive, into the final 3D cross-bracing structure.

Designer: Gustav Düsing

Yanko Design
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(Skeleton Inspired Furniture Series was originally posted on Yanko Design)

Related posts:

  1. Chromazon / A Giant Skeleton with Colorful Leafies
  2. 2.5 mm Radius Series by Plus Minus Zero
  3. OneLessDesk Series, Gotta Have ‘em All!

Cay Sofa Concept

Voici ce concept de canapé sofa au look très contemporain et élégant. Un design moderne et fonctionnel imaginé par le designer suisse Alexander Rehn, avec un ensemble modulable qui permet de s’adapter en fonctions des différents besoins : l’objet mobilier modifie sa forme.






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Filo Sofa

Uno dei più belli che abbia mai visto. Filo Sofa è stato disegnato da BarberOsgerby nel 2009 per Cappellini, pare entrerà presto in produzione. Ce lo dobbiamo aspettare per questo Salone del Mobile?

Filo Sofa

Filo Sofa

På sofflocket Sofa

Disegnato dalle studenti svedesi emma nilsson, johanna westin e lisa frode, questo sofa si ispira ad una panchina riadattata con complementi multifunzionali come lo schienale porta riviste e la seduta a cassettoni.

på sofflocket

på sofflocket

Lost in Sofa

Un fauteuil très original pensé par le japonais Daisuke Motogi et sobrement intitulé “Lost in Sofa”. Une conception qui permet alors de ranger des objets entre les coussins et les plis, comme par exemples un téléphone, des télécommandes ou des livres. Plus de visuels dans la suite.




Previously on Fubiz

Allumettes Sofa

Mi sono sempre piaciuti i divani con la struttura a vista in legno, io ne ho uno fac-simile di Ikea, un po’ scomodo ma rientra nel concetto poca spesa, tanta resa. Questo in foto è l’Allumettes Sofa disegnato dagli svizzeri di Atelier Oï per Röthlisberger.
Prima o poi me ne farò uno uguale.

Lago Divan


Following the success of 36e8Cucina kitchen suites from 2008, Lago is previewing its new Air collection of divans at Salone Internazionale del Mobile. The seating option takes yet another step in their pursuit of “total living,” and the Padua, Italy-based brand continues to make a splash with their innovative products for every room in the home. Designed by Daniele Lago, the divan is a close sibling to previous designs, particularly in the modularity of elements and colors typical of the young company.


With slight variations in the mix of seats and back modules, the divans create relaxingly efficient living spaces thanks to accessories such as small tables, cushions and arms. The key to Lago’s innovation is a load-bearing structure in aluminum and ingenious mounting system, which ensures quick and easy assembly of seats, backs and arms.


In addition, for the first time Lago researched sustainable and eco-friendly solutions, from the selection of suppliers and materials, to packaging and disposal. The result reveals their commitment to excellent, green design.


Lago’s divans will be on display through 19 April 2010 in Hall 8, booths A29-A28 at Fiera Rho-Pero. In addition, the company has concocted brainchild Appartamento, an actual flat that also works as a real show, with constant updates and live blogging. The piece is part of their international project Lago Appartamento. The hours for both projects are 10am-10pm.

Eclosion Sofa

Découverte du sofa Eclosion, un fauteuil gonflable doté d’un zip latéral qui permet de faire varier instantanément l’inclinaison du dossier. Il s’agit du travail d’Olivier Grégoire un designer français très prometteur basé actuellement à New-York. Plus d’images dans la suite.



Previously on Fubiz

Sofas by Vincent Cadena

De superbes sofas, au design moderne et aux lignes épurées, ont été conçus par le designer français autodidacte, Vincent Cadena. Des couleurs sobres et une vraie présence. A la fois simples et chics. Plus d’exemples dans la suite.



