Digitals Video

Chris Crutchfield a un jour reçu dans l’espace de quelques secondes un SMS, un appel, un message Facebook et 2 alertes Twitter. Cette vidéo est une étonnante manifestation de notre dépendance à l’univers digital. Un rendu drôle et réussi à découvrir dans la suite en vidéo.




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Something worth tweeting about. No?

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Google plans to launch a new ‘updates’ service today which will be seen by the industry as a move to compete with social media services including Twitter and Facebook. The move will allow the 176m Gmail users to view a stream of status updates from people they choose to connect with.


10 Levels of Intimacy in Communication

NYC-based designer Ji Lee visualizes 10 ways we communicate in the digital age.

Li states:
The digital age has transformed the ways in which we communicate with each other. The combination of technology and power of information brings new ways on HOW, WITH WHOM and WHY we communicate. We are connected with more people than ever before. Do more options to communicate with each other connect us or alienate us more?


The Facebook for Architects

The recently launched Architizer, a new social networking site for architects is being promoted as the “Facebook for Architects” The site is free to use, and enables members to link their personal, firm, and project profiles where they can display a new building, share photos of interesting projects, and have their work pinpointed on a global interactive map. For more on Architizer you know what to do.


Social Media Counter

How much is social media growing? Gary Hayes’s flash application is based on data pulled from a myriad of social media sources and gives you a glimpse into the activity of Facebook, blogs, Twitter, and much more. To download the Social Media Counter go here.

Social Media Venn Diagram

Share this Social Media Venn Diagram Tee by Despair, Inc. on Facebook, Twitter, or Myspace. The illustration explores how social media is unlocking the potential of behavioral disorders.
