Snowboard tip #2: passami la lattina

Morgan Milano #nuovastagionenuovostore

Si dice che se vuoi vantarti dell’etichetta di snowboarder (almeno qui nella snobbosa Milano) non puoi non aver buttato il naso almeno una volta nel tanto amato/odiato Morgan di Milano. Lo storico punto di riferimento apre alla #nuovastagionenuovostore che tradotto significa: nuovi spazi, nuovi brand, nuovi riferimenti, nuove dritte.
Come nel vecchio film Big Wednesday nei panni del sapiente signor Bear c’è lo zio Robi, il solitario lupo di mare brizzolato che sa darti il consiglio giusto al momento giusto.

Morgan Milano #nuovastagionenuovostore

Snowboard tip #1: la spruzzata

Nike – The Sounds of Snowboarding

Avec cette vidéo appelée « The Sounds of Snowboarding », Nike nous propose de découvrir de magnifiques images de montagnes en suivant plusieurs snowboarders sur un montage son réussi. Le tout permettant de mettre en avant les différents tricks effectués, cette création est à découvrir dans la suite en vidéo.

Nike - The Sounds of Snowboarding8
Nike - The Sounds of Snowboarding7
Nike - The Sounds of Snowboarding6
Nike - The Sounds of Snowboarding5
Nike - The Sounds of Snowboarding4
Nike - The Sounds of Snowboarding3
Nike - The Sounds of Snowboarding2


Tournée à l’occasion de l’Intersection Competition au World Ski & Snowboard Festival de Whistler en avril 2013, cette vidéo Restless réalisée par Leo Zuckerman propose des images de montagnes absolument magnifiques. L’ensemble est à découvrir en images et vidéo HD dans la suite de l’article.


The Burton Academy: The Handplant

Grazie Chris per avermi chiarito le idee sull’Handlant.

2013 Snowboard Gear : A short guide to what’s kept us warm, dry and in touch this season

2013 Snowboard Gear

While it may not entirely feel like it in certain cities, winter is in full swing, dumping snow in many regions and offering temps low enough to fire up the snow guns in others. After introducing the Nitro T1.5 and ThirtyTwo + Crab Grab collaboration earlier this week we’ve pulled…

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ThirtyTwo + Crab Grab: One of snowboarding’s most trusted brands teams up with a creative newcomer for a 2014 season collaboration

ThirtyTwo + Crab Grab

Since 1995 ThirtyTwo has continually produced the lightest and some of the best-selling snowboard boots in the industry. Since 2012 Crab Grab has produced little pieces of foam that you stick on your board to improve foot and hand traction. While the two seem worlds apart the connection lies…

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Nitro Snowboards T1.5 : A hands-on look at both limited edition 2013 Hyped! and 2014 all mountain models

Nitro Snowboards T1.5

While a mild winter seems to be leaving most regions with a lackluster snowpack this year, the Northwest was blessed with a heavy snowfall over the holidays, providing a more than ample range of terrain to test the limited edition 2013 T1.5 Hyped! and 2014 T1.5 from Nitro snowboards….

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Westcomb Focus LT Hoody: The first bare bones shell jacket constructed of 100% waterproof and air permeable eVent DVL fabric

Westcomb Focus LT Hoody

Whether you spend your spare time in the great outdoors or exploring the city, a lightweight, waterproof jacket is a staple this time of year. A standout among the masses of Gore-Tex and Thinsulate out there is the Focus LT Hoody from Westcomb, a company known for melding sleek…

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