PACT Identity

Ottimo lavoro di identity per PACT, studiata dallo studio di Singapore Acre.

PACT Identity

PACT Identity

PACT Identity

PACT Identity

PACT Identity

Green Belt underwear by David Adjaye for PACT

Architect David Adjaye has designed a collection of sustainable underwear for online clothing retailer PACT. (more…)

The Office of Eden

Réalisée par le studio Terri Timely, voici une courte publicité “The Office of Eden” pour les sous-vêtements de la marque écolo PACT. Une communication particulièrement originale mettant en scène le duo Ian Kibbey & Corey Creasy. A découvrir dans la suite de l’article.



Previously on Fubiz

PACT underwear by Yves Behar


San Francisco designer Yves Behar of fuesproject has designed a range of sustainable underwear for online clothing retailer PACT. (more…)