Face to Face by Ministry of Design

Singapore studio Ministry of Design have completed an office building in Singapore, which features strips of white lighting that seem to have been scribbled over exterior and interior surfaces. (more…)

Skagen ØKOntor by Various Architects

Oslo studio Various Architects and Pollen Architecture of Austin, Texas, have designed a green office building in response to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) held in Copenhagen earlier this month. (more…)

Clamp Desk by Paul Coudamy Benoit Coulondres

French designers Paul Coudamy and Benoit Coulondres have completed the interior of a printer’s office using a clamp-together desk system. (more…)

Manny by Tétrarc

Architectural photographer Stéphane Chalmeau has sent us his photos of a building covered in aluminium bars in Nantes, France, by French architects Tétrarc. (more…)

Office Building VDAB by BOB361

Here are some pictures of an office building in Sint Niklaas, Belgium, by BOB361 architects of Brussels and Paris, which is supported over a sloping car park by black and yellow angled columns. (more…)

Vodafone headquarters by Barbosa Guimaraes

Portuguese photographer Nelson Garrido has sent us his photos of the new headquarters for mobile phone brand Vodafone in Porto, designed by architects Barbosa & Guimaraes of Matosinhos in Portugal. (more…)

VOV Building by VOID planning

Korean architects VOID planning have completed the interior of an office building for cosmetics company VOV in Seoul, Korea.

Called VOV Building, the project includes an office space, conference room, showroom, nail parlour and roof garden.

Undulating glass profiles surround the showroom and conference room, and there are 52 movable pillars containing storage.

The architects aimed to maximise […]