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They’re a local design and screen print shop that focuses on concert posters and such. Check out the site and all their work here.
They’re a local design and screen print shop that focuses on concert posters and such. Check out the site and all their work here.
Nouvelle carte blanche musicale pour le 44ème numéro du Fubiz Broadcast avec la dernière parution du label d’EdBangers Records, l’artiste Krazy Baldhead. A l’occasion, le site Fubiz est partenaire de la soirée du club NME et offre 10×2 places dans la suite.
Playlist FB44 – A emporter ici
Sélectionné par Krazy Baldhead. Durée Totale : 35:00
Abonnez-vous au podcast avec le flux rss Fubiz Broadcast.
Concours : Pour gagner vos places pour la soirée NME du 15 mai prochain, il suffit d’être membre du site et d’en faire la demande dans les commentaires. Les 10 premiers gagneront leur lot de places pour la soirée à L’Elysée Montmartre.
Check out this “record player” iPhone app. The author, Theodore Watson, threw it together in one morning. I really like projects that get the point across quickly. It’s a build-to-think mode and sparks dialogue (like this blog post) that gets people thinking about how to use what’s around them.
At Free Art and Technology, via NOTCOT
Un nouvel invité pour le 43ème numéro du Fubiz Broadcast avec la présence du groupe français de musique éléctronique The Penelopes. Disponible en ligne, en streaming ou encore en téléchargement dans la suite.
Playlist FB43 – A emporter ici
Sélectionné par The Penelopes. Durée Totale : 43:51
Abonnez-vous au podcast avec le flux rss Fubiz Broadcast.
Précèdents invités sur Fubiz :
Yuksek / Justice / Benjamin Diamond / Digikid84 / Lifelike
Spitzer / Collectif Valérie / The Shoes / Digitalism
He’s a well known artist, living and working in Paris. This is one of his sculptures that’s currently showing at Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin until April 26th (the geometric shark is also really cool). It took me a second look to realize that this crossover of analog and digital subject-matter actually is a sculpture. More of his work can be seen here.
While browsing the site I also recognized the work he did for AIR. Checking out their website left me pretty impressed. It’s well executed and all the details are nailed down (music streams really well in the ‘records/audio’ section and the navigation makes sense). All design and backend was done by Supergazol in Paris.
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I recently picked up the winter issue, pretty good (only a couple articles in, so far so good).
I’d never heard of it before and apparently there’s a spring edition on the way (featuring work from Parra, Lizzi Bougatsos, and lots of others). A bit steep at $8, but each is hand numbered out of 500 and there’s lots to read. Plus, it’s local! So show some love and grab one. Check their website for locations to buy, and other general info about the mag. I got mine at Black Dog Video on Queen st. west.
I’m sure you’ve noticed by now that we’ve got a fresh new look for the blog. After a lot of coding, tweaking and generally making a mess of CSS, I’ve managed to get it to look half-decent (let me know what you think of it!) It still remains a work-in-progress. The goal of this redesign was to make it easier to get around and add some more color. After all, you know we’re suckers for color!
Last but not least, our large header incorporates the work of a featured artist. We’ll be featuring different artists in that space and rotating them over time to keep things interesting. This isn’t a sponsored spot, but rather a testament to our support of great artists. Our first feature is of the brilliant and witty Simon Oxley, one of our all-time favorites.