Cover photographer: Adrian Gaut

We are so thankful to Peter Buchanan-Smith for arranging our cover shoot with photographer Adrian Gaut. They graciously took my photoshopped mockup of what I envisioned for cover and made it happen long distance in New York. Adrian has an impressive and diverse portfolio of work. He is equally adept at architectural photography, landscape, portrait and product shots.

Fine art gelatin silver prints of Adrian’s axe photographs shown above are available here.

Thank you to Chris Young at Printcrafters (they print our magazine and are responsible for that intense inky aroma that we all love!) for letting us know about Best Made Co.

Best Made Company Axes

The cover of issue 3 features the handsome axes of the Best Made Company as photographed by Adrian Gaut (stay tuned for a post about Adrian).

Combining beauty and utility, the axes make a sharp statement whether you’re heading out to the woods or admiring it over the mantle. Glen interviewed Peter Buchanan-Smith, the co-founder of the Best Made Co. and graphic designer extraordinaire {visit Peter’s portfolio to see work for clients such as Vintage Books and Isaac Mizrahi}. Here’s an excerpt:

What’s your process for designing and creating these axes, both in terms of conceptualizing their designs as well as the process of painting them?

I am inspired by so many things: from hardware, to fashion, to horse racing, and everything plays a role in these axes. The process is to not use any computers to map out what we are going to do. Graeme and I discuss a few things over some whiskey, and then I go off and get to work—hands directly on the axe, making it up as I go. I have some vague notions of what I’d like to see, what colors might look good set in certain patterns, but for the most part there is no definitive process. Color and pattern are the two key factors. Once I’ve nailed something, I rarely try and repeat it. Even though it’s “just an axe” it’s still a perfect blank canvas with endless possibilities. When the axe is finished Graeme and I sit down (over more whiskey) and think of names for each one. The naming process is a crucial part for us: it’s where we give the axe it’s narrative. Albeit a very short story (we purposefully do not caption the axes, just give them names) because we know that our customers will create the real story. In that sense we are just coming up with the title of the book, and the story (the legend) lies in the hands of the customer.

Pick up our current issue to read more and head on over to the Best Made Co website to purchase an axe and see the inspiration for their design and colour palette.

Magazine: Call for submissions!

Files should be at least 4″ wide at 300dpi. Please submit it via our dropbox link.

Introducing “Land”

The website Buy Olympia has been up and running for a long time and is a great source for indie design and publishing. At last, they’ve opened a brick and mortor shop in Portland, Oregon: Land. Happily, they stock UPPERCASE magazine and the shipment of issue 3 has arrived!

Congratulations to the workroom!

The workroom is celebrating its second anniversary tomorrow – congratulations, Karyn!

“On Tuesday October 13th (6-8pm-ish), we invite you to drop by for some wine, cheese and birthday cake. Bring a friend or meet up with your past class mates, we’d love to see you and thank you in person. We’ll be having a raffle that night for some fun prizes including class gift cards, a subscription to Uppercase Magazine, a Soak gift pack and more!”

the workroom
1340 Queen Street West

The workroom was featured in issue #1 and has been a regular stockist of UPPERCASE magazine. They’ve got some fresh Eclectonotes in stock, too! (all photos in this post by Karyn: see more great images on her flickr.)

One of a Kind weekend Thanksgiving special

Hey, Vancouver! Head on over to the One of a Kind Show this weekend. UPPERCASE has a booth and we’re selling handmade Eclecto notebooks, pocket mirrors, books and issue three of UPPERCASE magazine with a special show price and subscription offer. Say “hi” to Deidre and Jenny and tell them Janine and her blog post sent you and we’ll give you a special gift.

Can’t make it to the show? Email Janine by Sunday morning and she’ll mail back a Thanksgiving weekend coupon for 10% off purchases of $50 or more in the online shop, including magazine subscriptions! info (at) uppercasegallery (dot) ca. (You can always purchase a subscription as a gift – just fill in your recipient’s name for the shipping address and your name and info for the billing address.)

Here are some of the other talented craftspeople you’ll find at the show: Kari Woo (our neighbour here in Art Central, her jewellery pictured above).

Julie Sinden, handmade hats: perfect for the cold weather.

Ella Pederson, Little Red Caboose, stitched Matryoshka dolls.

Tressa Brotsky, Dress Me Up, organic soft toys

To all our Canadian readers, have a happy Thanksgiving weekend. And THANK YOU ALL for your tremendous support of the magazine and all that we do here.

Made for one another

Shauna and Stephen (Something’s Hiding in Here) are certainly a dynamic duo. Creativity abounds with these two and it is so much fun to see how they collaborate together to see their projects through completion, with each of their talents complimenting the other’s. When Shauna contacted me about placing an ad in the current issue of UPPERCASE magazine, of course I was more than happy to have something by these fine folks on our pages. When she told me her plans for the advertisement, I was thrilled! Such a sweet idea. To read about their ongoing project “I made this for you,” visit their post on Poppytalk.

Purl Soho

I am so pleased to welcome Purl Soho in New York as a stockist of UPPERCASE magazine! One of their lovely advertisements will also be gracing the pages of our winter issue. {please note that all our wholesale shipments are currently in transit; call the stockists first to see whether issue 3 has arrived to their destination yet.}

Make sure you visit their very active blog, The Purl Bee: full of projects, how-to and inspiration!

{If you’d like to advertise your business, no matter how big or small, we’d love to hear from you. Ads start at just $72 Canadian.}

Production Mode

I’ve been busy getting the UPPERCASE booth and products ready for this week’s One of A Kind Show in Vancouver. Jenny and Deidre will be there, so please stop by and say hello, peruse our books, pocket mirrors, eclecto notebooks and — of course! —the magazine. The show hours are quite long and we’d love some volunteers to help out! If you live in the Vancouver area and are willing to spend a few hours, we’d love to hear from you. Please email Janine with your phone number and day that you’re available. Thanks! (info AT uppercasegallery dot ca)

A note on mailing…

Friday was a busy day; I packed up all the wholesale orders so far as well as the individual magazines and new subscriptions sold since September 23. If you’re a subscriber prior to September 23, then your issue has been sent directly from a mailing house, also on Friday, to save time in transit. This should really speed things up for our American subscribers; rather than mailing from Canada, your subscriptions were sent via truck across the border where they are then mailed with the United States Postal Service. I know you’re all eager to get your magazines and I’m eager that they arrive to you as efficiently as possible!

New subscriptions are mailed out within a day from the receipt of your order.