The Trignal is a self-charging LED Light that is fitted to a truck’s wheel as a hubcap. It not only glows at night, giving other motorists fair warning of the truck’s presence on the road but also visually communicates its speed. If the truck is moving at a safe pace then the wheels glow a demure green. If the driver is being rash and tardy then it glows a bright red.
The hubcaps may not make sense on well-lit highways of the West, but I know for a fact the highways of many Asian countries can do with this hub-light system. It would probably save many lives.
The Tringal is a 2012 Liteon Award winning entry.
Designers: Yang Yong & Zhu Sha
Yanko Design
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(Wheels Of The Truck Go Red, Amber, Green! was originally posted on Yanko Design)
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