Ready-made iPhone charging dock lamps

Questa serie di lampade-dock disegnate da OKAYstudio e presentate durante la scorsa London Design Festival sfruttano il led del vostro iPhone per illuminare e al tempo stesso ricaricare il vostro device. Consiglio di usare un bel ventilatore per tenere tutto al fresco se non volete friggere la cpu nel giro di un paio di giorni. Visto su Designboom.

Ready-made iPhone charging dock lamps

Ready-made iPhone charging dock lamps

Ready-made iPhone charging dock lamps

Ready-made iPhone charging dock lamps

Gorgeous Sculpture at Burning Man

Exposée durant le festival Burning Man, Truth is Beauty de Marco Cochrane est une superbe sculpture de 16 mètres de haut issue de son Bliss project. Construite à l’aide de tiges d’acier soudées entre elles et d’environ 3000 LED multicolores, elle change d’aspect constamment. Plus d’images dans la suite.







Interview: Ford Atlas Designers Gordon Platto and Aileen Barraza : The ideations behind the next generation of pick-up trucks

Interview: Ford Atlas Designers Gordon Platto and Aileen Barraza

We’ve admired the 2013 Ford Atlas Concept truck since its debut at Detroit’s 2013 North American International Auto Show earlier this year. The Atlas makes a big statement about…

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Flex Lighting

The Fluida lamp earns its namesake from the flexible, fluid form of the bendable LED strip at its center. The two magnetic bases at each end can be set in a variety of positions to vary the direction and projected size of the light depending on the user’s need. Compact and customizable, this versatile concept is ideal for small workspaces!

Designer: Studio Natural

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs – Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Shop CKIE – We are more than just concepts. See what’s hot at the CKIE store by Yanko Design!
(Flex Lighting was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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The Pixels Crossing Installation

Miguel Chevalier, en collaboration avec Trafik et le compositeur Michel Redolfi, signe une installation interactive pour le Forum des Halles de Paris. Des graphiques colorés constitués de LED habillent les murs du tunnel, faisant du passage une expérience sensorielle et musicale.











Interactive Cloud with 15 000 Lights

Les artistes canadiens, Caitlind Brown et Wayne Garrett, envahissent le Progress Bar à Chicago en proposant de revisiter l’éclairage. À l’aide d’un système électronique complexe, utilisant notamment des LED et des détecteurs de mouvements, le nuage réagit au passage des clients. Un beau projet à découvrir.







Bonny Plant Lamp

The Fresh Lamp is a nice way to integrate lamps, plant care and unique décor. This is the digital age, so taking advantage of sensors and technology; the Fresh Lamp provides a safe haven for the plants. It helps you water and manure the plants optimally and the LED lamp works as a great mood setter. Simple and functional, it’s the way the green industry is going these days.

Designer: Chun Jiang Yao

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs – Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Shop CKIE – We are more than just concepts. See what’s hot at the CKIE store by Yanko Design!
(Bonny Plant Lamp was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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Fitbit Flex: The latest wearable activity monitor features a low-energy Bluetooth sync and streamlined design

Fitbit Flex

Personal activity monitors are among the most common wearable computers, though their sophistication has advanced significantly since the days of the pager-like pedometer. The best of these devices have migrated from the hip to the wrist and offer highly detailed insight aimed to…

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LED Cloud

Focus sur ce studio Sophie Valla Architects, basé à Amsterdam, et qui a réalisé cette superbe installation lumineuse appelée « LED Cloud ». Proposant un puzzle géant de 60 panneaux indépendants, elle compose ainsi un ciel artificiel aux multiples couleurs de 400m2. Plus d’images dans la suite de l’article.

De Tanker, Sophie Valla architects
De Tanker, Sophie Valla architects
De Tanker, Sophie Valla architects
De Tanker, Sophie Valla architects
De Tanker, Sophie Valla architects
De Tanker, Sophie Valla architects
De Tanker, Sophie Valla architects
De Tanker, Sophie Valla architects
De Tanker, Sophie Valla architects

Wheels Of The Truck Go Red, Amber, Green!

The Trignal is a self-charging LED Light that is fitted to a truck’s wheel as a hubcap. It not only glows at night, giving other motorists fair warning of the truck’s presence on the road but also visually communicates its speed. If the truck is moving at a safe pace then the wheels glow a demure green. If the driver is being rash and tardy then it glows a bright red.

The hubcaps may not make sense on well-lit highways of the West, but I know for a fact the highways of many Asian countries can do with this hub-light system. It would probably save many lives.

The Tringal is a 2012 Liteon Award winning entry.

Designers: Yang Yong & Zhu Sha

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs – Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Yanko Design Store – We are about more than just concepts. See what’s hot at the YD Store!
(Wheels Of The Truck Go Red, Amber, Green! was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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  2. Algae-Powered Transport Truck
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