Interview: The Monocle Order: The duo behind innovative sunglasses club talks about going brick-and-mortar while staying original

Interview: The Monocle Order

Frustrated with losing their sunglasses and also spotting the same styles on faces around them in New York, Holland-born Alex van Klaveren and Washington native Zoe Nightingale took their mutual obsession with shades, entrepreneurial know-how and knack for throwing parties to launch Continue Reading…

Design Indaba: Paula Scher: The similarities between artists and scientists, how tech is like the music business and more from the multi-faceted designer

Design Indaba: Paula Scher

Influential American artist and designer Paula Scher kicked off this year’s Design Indaba with a talk she titled “Small Breakthroughs, and How They Came to Be.” During her presentation, she detailed both the struggles and solutions involved in several of her most famous projects, from the graphic identity of…

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IRENE #4: Sensual erotica inspired by the muse of René Magritte in the latest issue of the cult fanzine


by Andrea Dicenzo There’s arguably no better place to speak candidly about an erotica magazine than a Parisian cafe. The whispered French and eruptions of laughter, the shuffling of waiters and the clanging of cutlery indicative of the romance of this sexy city—this is where publishers Lucie Santamans, Esthèle…

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Milton Glaser ShopTalk: Memorable moments from our recent talk with the lauded designer

Milton Glaser ShopTalk

Now 83 years old, Milton Glaser has become a name synonymous with meaningful graphic design. With a decades-long career under his belt that includes creating the iconic “I (Heart) NY” logo and many others, as well as co-founding Pushpin Studios and New York Magazine, the beloved designer is still…

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Interview: Frith Hucks of Bay & Fyfe: A “can-do Kiwi” packs her collaborative scarf collection with artist Daimon Downey’s Pastel Zoo

Interview: Frith Hucks of Bay & Fyfe

by Vivianne Lapointe Proving that collectibles can be properly showcased beyond the wall or a shelf, Bay & Fyfe founder Frith Hucks is dedicated to creating beautifully finished and wearable art. The Sydney-based concept label first caught our eye with its dusty pink, orange and plum silk scarf featuring a…

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Studio Visit: Fredericks and Mae: We stop by the designers’ studio for a chat about Yahtzee’s viking history and a peek at their new beach games

Studio Visit: Fredericks and Mae

When ascending the stairs leading up to Fredericks and Mae’s third floor studio in Bushwick, you can smell the alluring scent of a wood shop from the first step. And once you enter inside the quiet but bright space, the fragrance becomes intoxicating, adding olfactory depth to the ongoing…

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Design Indaba: John Maeda: Our interview with the RISD president on the changing nature of design and the long process of becoming a successful leader

Design Indaba: John Maeda

John Maeda, pioneer of programmatic design, delivered the closing address at South Africa’s premier conference on creativity, Design Indaba. He spoke to the crowd about the nature of code in art (“Programming is not very complicated, it’s just very boring—It’s what you can do with coding that matters more…

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Interview: PechaKucha’s Mark Dytham: As Heineken’s Your Future Bottle competition draws to a close we talk remixing and Kit Kat collecting

Interview: PechaKucha's Mark Dytham

Advertorial content: As Heineken’s second annual Your Future Bottle Design Challenge comes to a close we want to encourage all aspiring designers to get their final designs submitted via Facebook before the 1 March deadline for the chance to have their work on display during Milan Design Week. To offer…

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Adam Glassman Talks Rookie Fashion Stylist Mistakes

If only he had enough hours in a day. That’s the most challenging part of Adam Glassman‘s gig as creative director of O Magazine, a post where he’s constantly navigating the worlds of graphic design and fashion.

In the latest installment of Mediabistro’s So What Do You Do? series, Glassman gives career and fashion advice, and tells what it’s like to style the Queen of Media: “We make it as fun and as painless as possible.” Hmm, maybe they share a few sips of Casa Dragones after a marathon shoot? Here’s an excerpt of the Q&A:

What is the biggest mistake that you see young professionals making? What’s the one tip that interns or fashion assistants should keep in mind?
First of all, I think everyone should do their homework. You need to know who you’re interviewing with — not just the human being, but also the publication. And I can tell you numerous times people have come in and they’ve never picked up an issue of O Magazine. And I have to tell you something: that doesn’t fly. There are so few jobs out there right now for young people, and there are a lot of people looking for a job. The moment you say that to me, the interview is over, basically, in my mind.

For more, read So What Do You Do, Adam Glassman, Creative Director at O Magazine?

New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

Interview: THE/END: Menswear takes a dark turn down the “Street Where Nobody Lives,” the LA-based brand’s debut collection

Interview: THE/END

by Vivianne Lapointe THE/END, an edgy new apparel and accessories line celebrating American counter-culture, is the brainchild of Los Angeles-based Cody and Mike Comrie, Mat Mickel and Jerrod Cornish. Inspired by the late 1970s punk scene in the US, the brand’s debut collection features premium denim, outerwear, leather, fleece, art-based…

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