GOOD Magazine Launches Design Competition For Haiti

GOOD magazine, has teamed up with PRE and Studio X to launch a design competition that seeks to rebuild Haiti. The call for entries asks creatives to come up with strategic, organizational, institutional, and/or architectural solutions to assist Haiti in their recovery efforts.

The winner of this month’s competition will receive half of the pooled entry fees, while the remaining half of the entry fees will be donated to the Haitian relief effort. Submit your ideas here.

Call For Entries: Earthquake Emergency Shelters

In light of the earthquake in Haiti and the emergent need for short-term emergency shelters, Core77 is inviting designers to create innovative pop-up shelter solutions in their latest 1 Hour Design Challenge. Core77 will donate $500 to Architecture For Humanity’s Haiti Earthquake Support Program in the name of the winner. For more details go here.

Visualizing Aid to Haiti

Since the earthquake hit Port-au-Prince earlier this month many entities have pledged money, GOOD Magazine’s latest transparency visualizes a list of those—through January 19—that have actually given $1 million or more. For the big view jump over to GOOD.

To Haiti, With Love

Last week we posted about Architecture for Humanity’s efforts in helping the citizens of Port-au-Prince rebuild after the 7.0 earthquake that hit on the 12th of January. VC’s own Sky Obercam recently compiled a comprehensive list of organizations all focused on providing assistance and aid for Clutch Magazine. Find out how you can help here.

Architecture for Humanity Response to Haiti Crisis

Image via Mashable

Our thoughts are with the people of Haiti in this time of crisis. We would like to highlight Architecture for Humanity’s efforts and response to the Haiti crisis after the 7.0 earthquake that hit Port-au-Prince on the 12th on January. To learn more on Architecture for Humanities efforts and how to support their cause click here.