D&V Multibrand Store by Guise

Scandinavian architects Guise designed this retail space in Stockholm as a blank canvas for any fashion brand to display their garments against (+ slideshow).

Multibrand Store by Guise

Guise designed the white interior of the D&V Multibrand Store to provide a neutral background for different retailers.

Multibrand Store by Guise

Powder-coated steel pillars have perforated corners to accommodate a flexible steel shelving system and also allow clothes to be hung directly from the holes.

Multibrand Store by Guise

The pillars are arranged in staggered lines and spread throughout the store, grouped for garments designed by different clothing labels.

Multibrand Store by Guise

Central display units are made of asymmetrical stacks of angled boxes, which each flare outward from their bases to create more surface area on top for folded items.

Multibrand Store by Guise

“We used a floor area of 40 by 40 centimetres, equivalent to one folded shirt,” said the designers. “This area was designed to grow into a table with a surface for seven shirts. This was repeated until the table offered an area for 20 shirts.”

Multibrand Store by Guise

Oak-clad storage boxes line the edges of the shop and the cash register covered with toughened glass. All pieces of furniture were custom made for the store.

Multibrand Store by Guise

Guise have also designed custom-made furniture for this Stockholm shoe retailer.

Multibrand Store by Guise

Photography is by Brendan Austin.

Here is some more information from the architects:

We used a floor area of 40×40 cm, equivalent to one folded shirt, this area were designed to grow to a table for 7 shirts. This logical course of action was repeated until the table offered an area for 20 shirts. The final shape is a result of this commercial rationality, making a 20 times profit in display area.

Multibrand Store by Guise
Floor plan – click for larger image

Being asked not to have any specific garments or brand in mind the space was designed as a neutral space similar to a warehouse. White and with no branded features, hence the empty photos.

D&V Multibrand Store by Guise
Display unit concept diagram

We designed a L-shaped beam with a perforation along the corner. Shelves were custom designed to fit the perforated pillars. The beams were distributed asymmetrical around the store, like a forest of pillars where clothes can hung or be placed according to every new items needs.

The post D&V Multibrand Store
by Guise
appeared first on Dezeen.

Corner project by Guise

Corner project by Guise

Swedish interior designers Guise have inserted these tall black free-standing cabinets throughout a Stockholm apartment.

Corner project by Guise

Top photograph is by Jesper Lindström

Called Corner project, the cabinets provide storage space and divide the apartment, which has no interior walls.

Corner project by Guise

Above photograph is by Rasmus Norlander

The units come in three different sizes and are all of the same height.

Corner project by Guise

All functions are housed within the pillars, including the kitchen sink.

Corner project by Guise

Photographs are by Mathias Nero unless otherwise stated.

Corner project by Guise

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Corner project by Guise

Above photograph is by Jesper Lindström

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Corner project by Guise

Above photograph is by Jesper Lindström

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Corner project by Guise

Here’s some more information from Guise:

The assignment was to redesign an apartment of 45 m² from 1900 on Jungfrugatan in an exclusive area in central Stockholm.

Corner project by Guise

Above photograph is by Jesper Lindström

The client’s request was to create storage space as well as giving the apartment a unique identity.

Corner project by Guise

The main concept is based on breaking up the traditional sequence of rooms and functions to become a nonlinear and nonhierarchical arrangement of space.

Corner project by Guise

The previously strict spatial segregation, with kitchen, living room and bedrooms have been broken up by introducing a forest of columns that define the rooms.

Corner project by Guise

Since the apartment has no walls in the traditional sense, the spatiality is created by the pillars relationship to each other rather than by clear physical boundaries.

Corner project by Guise

The apartment is inscribed in a square of around 45 square meters. The entrance door is located in one corner of the plan, facing one of the apartment’s two windows.

Corner project by Guise

Above photograph is by Jesper Lindström

The previous plan had a wall that strict shared the apartment in the kitchen and living area. A small alcove was positioned close to the bedroom.

Corner project by Guise

All the existing walls were torn down and replaced with a forest of columns that separates the rooms from each other.

Corner project by Guise

Above photograph is by Rasmus Norlander

Even the bathroom walls have been torn down, the toilet is housed in one of the columns, providing necessary privacy.

Corner project by Guise

Above photograph is by Rasmus Norlander

Also the WC-pillar is freely positioned and is thereby able to be, like all other columns, walk around.

Corner project by Guise

Above photograph is by Rasmus Norlander

All the functions associated to the apartment is housed inside the pillars.

Corner project by Guise

Above photograph is by Rasmus Norlander

The positions and size of the pillars derives from functional aspects. All volumes are specially produced for this project goes from floor to ceiling.

Corner project by Guise

The sizes of the pillars vary from 400×400, 600×600 to 800x800mm. The height is 3050mm for all pillars except the bathroom module.

Corner project by Guise

See also:


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