Hardwood Rug

A small and portable piece of hardwood flooring on rubber, which because of its iconic shape is immediately associated with a rug. It has been created..


varis its a rack lcd componible. designed for laquereed wood and metal steel,and many uses for audio video.ideal size 280×040

Frost by Mars


Korean designer HwaSung Yoo of Mars has designed a table and chair made of extruded aluminium with a cross-section inspired by frost patterns. (more…)

Lockheed Chair by Riot Sollier


French designers Benjamin Riot & Valentin Sollier have designed a chair based on the DSW chair by Charles and Ray Eames. (more…)

ch.air motorsports

Ultra lightweight and extremely durable carbon fibre chair

Brackets Included

The inspiration for Brackets Included came from a scene in the movie Barton Fink, in which the temperature in the hotel room rises so high that the wa..

Felt Up by Charlotte Kingsnorth


Graduate designer Charlotte Kingsnorth has designed a chair made from a single sheet of folded felt. (more…)

Magazine Table 2

Small table design to hold magazines, newspapers, etc.


A swing made out of one spread of corrugated cardboard.The unique folding of this swing makes it strong enough support a weight of up to 100kg.

arm.ch.air by laisr

Carbon fibre chair incorporating the same technology as on high-end bicycle frames, resulting in incredibly light, yet extremely strong and durable ch..