Quand Jim se Relaxe by Matali Crasset
Posted in: UncategorizedFrench designer Matali Crasset has designed a chair and footstool with chunks of upholstery slotted into a plywood frame for French brand Domeau & Pérès. (more…)
French designer Matali Crasset has designed a chair and footstool with chunks of upholstery slotted into a plywood frame for French brand Domeau & Pérès. (more…)
South Korean product designer Ramei Keum has designed a clothes rail where the ends of the frame are shaped like hangers. (more…)
Il designer olandese Roeland Otten ha disegnato queste 26 sedie riprendendo tutte le lettere dell’alfabeto.
Saint Petersburg designer Yaroslav Misonzhnikov has attached two strips of felt to a chair for keeping cosy while working in winter. (more…)
Rotterdam designer Roeland Otten has designed a collection of 26 chairs, each spelling out one letter of the alphabet. (more…)
Il 13 maggio in occasione dell’apertura del 18° negozio in Italia a San Giuliano di Milano, IKEA hanno organizzato un contest molto particolare. Dopo essersi iscritti e scelto un oggetto a disposizione tra cucina, divano, etc…chi restava per 9 ore attaccato all’oggetto senza mai spostarsi, se lo portava a casa! Una gara estenuante che ha premiato i più aficionados al brand svedese!
David Dolcini has created an adjustable stool made of solid cedar for Italian brand Riva 1920. (more…)