Voici en exclusivité le dernier clip produit par la société ChezEddy pour le groupe Punks Jump Up en featuring avec l’artiste Dave 1 (Chromeo). Illustrant le morceau “Mr Overtime”, cette vidéo réalisée par Maxime Bruneel respire la pop par ses couleurs et sa typographie.
The internet was suddenly abuzz late last week, just before the weekend, when everyone’s favorite French designer Philippe Starck told a newspaper that he was working with Apple on a revolutionary product that would be out in the next few months. That certainly would be exciting, given that the internet nearly implodes when there’s even a hint of something Apple related in the works, and due to Starck’s long legacy in product design. Unfortunately, Starck also sometimes seems to mangle his words a touch, or exclaim lofty ambitions that maybe aren’t so grounded in reality. Over the weekend, Apple released a statement saying that no, they weren’t working with Starck on anything. Shortly thereafter, the Wall Street Journalreports that the designer laid everything out a bit more clearly, explaining that he’s working with Steve Jobs’ family on building a yacht. All of this, of course, makes much more sense, given that Apple generally keeps their product design very in-house (and certainly away from chatterboxes) and Starck now has something of a history building eco-friendly mega-yachts. We liked these couple of sentences the WSJ put together, summing up this recent there-and-gone story:
This episode has proved two things. Anything said about Apple provokes a huge buzz among the company’s followers. And Mr. Starck, who has waved his minimalist magic wand over everything from a toothbrush to a lemon squeezer to a mineral water bottle to penknives to hotels, likes to talk about himself.
Coup de coeur pour le studio argentin 2veinte qui nous présente une vidéo d’animation 3D colorée et rafraîchissante. Appelée “Psychic Land”, cette création réalisée par Pablo Gostanian donne un ton décalé et très réussi. Plus d’images et la vidéo dans la suite.
Découverte de Knob Creek Metal Arts qui proposent des serre-livres absolument splendides. Autour d’idées simples mais magnifiques, ces éléments permettent d’allier l’utile à l’agréable. Plus d’images de ces objets sont à découvrir dans la suite de l’article.
Le créatif Pawel Nolbert a pensé ces créations intéressantes appelées Sneakercube. Ce dernier s’est amusé pour un projet personnel à reprendre des paires de chaussures et les reprendre sous forme de cube. Des rendus 3D très réussis dans la suite de l’article.
Innovative. Refreshing. Full of ideas. Three ways to describe both TED and Chip Kidd. The charismatic graphic designer, author, editor, Batman expert, and rock star made his TED debut at the recent Full Spectrum conference in Long Beach, California, thanks to “guest curators” Chee Pearlman and David Rockwell, who organized a smashing session entitled “The Design Studio” that featured creative superstars including architect Liz Diller, Metropolitan Museum of Art director Tom Campbell, and IDEO’s David Kelley, bracketed by the whimsy of Maira Kalman‘s tapestry-cum-stage set and the wisdom of John Hodgman, who provided interstitial interrogations on design classics such as Philippe Starck‘s Juicy Salif citrus squeezer (“When you fall asleep it comes alive,” warned Hodgman. “Mr. Starck, I have revealed your terrible secret.”) In the leadoff spot was Kidd, who managed to bring the tech-heavy crowd to its feet by talking about the wonders of books: the analog kind, with dustjackets, odors, and, according to Kidd, “tradition, a sensual experience, the comfort of thingy-ness—a little bit of humanity.” Treat yourself to his freshly posted TED talk:
Raphaël Pluvinage et Marianne Cauvard ont eu l’excellente idée pour un projet à L’Ensci de créer cette “Noisy Jelly”. Le but de ce projet est de proposer de cuisiner et façonner son propre matériel musical avec de la gelée. Une idée à découvrir en vidéo dans la suite.
L’ancienne star de TV américaine Dick Clark vend sa maison à Malibu. Pour 3,5 millions de dollards, cette célébrité ouvre les portes de sa demeure qui s’inspire de la maison de The Flinstones, le dessin animé culte. Mélangeant luxe et Préhistoire, le résultat est dans la suite.
Serkan Ozkaya’s “Radisson/Picasso,” a “manipulated ready-made.”
Serkan Ozkaya has made a chair from 15 sticks of spaghetti, lobbied the Louvre (unsuccessfully) to turn the Mona Lisa on its head for a few days, and created hand-drawn replicas of major newspapers. With the help of a 3D rendering program, the Turkish artist made a supersize golden version of Michelangelo’s David for the Istanbul Biennial in 2005, although the 30-foot-tall statue proved impossible to install and ended up shattering into pieces before the exhibition opened. No such tragedy is likely to befall his pocket-size “Radisson/Picasso” (above), a pair of manipulated matchboxes that is among the lots on offer in Storefront for Art and Architecture’s benefit auction. Also up for online bidding in advance of Thursday evening’s NYC soirée honoring Barbara Kruger and Bernard Tschumi are works by the likes of Louis Kahn, James Welling, Vito Acconci, and Robert Venturi, who with Denise Brown contributed a jazzy sketch of a McDonald’s.
Dans la ligné de ses excellents portraits de célébrités, voici de nouveaux clichés du photographe Martin Schoeller. Cette fois-ci, il a pu mettre des acteurs mondialement connus dans des situations comiques. Une série complète qui est à découvrir dans la suite de l’article.
This is site is run by Sascha Endlicher, M.A., during ungodly late night hours. Wanna know more about him? Connect via Social Media by jumping to about.me/sascha.endlicher.