Valet by Ett la Benn


Berlin-based designers Ett la Benn have created a clothes stand that unfolds into a pole when not in use. (more…)

Plant pot by Uli Budde


Young German designer Uli Budde has designed a plant pot with a built-in saucer. (more…)

Walking Berlin by Fantastic Norway


DMY Berlin 09: Norwegian designers Fantastic Norway have sent photos of Walking Berlin, a project in which they dressed up as their latest building and walked around Berlin. (more…)

X Y and Z by Daniel Lorch


DMY Berlin 09: Berlin designer Daniel Lorch has created a collection of metal lamps with shades formed from cylinders pinched together at one end. (more…)

Tamago by Merci Design


DMY Berlin 09: Latvian designers Merci Design presented a range of children’s furniture made of recycled paper pulp at DMY Youngsters in Berlin last week. (more…)

Parasite Shelf by Johanna Landin


DMY Berlin 09: Swedish design student Johanna Landin exhibited a box shelf that appears to cling to its surroundings at DMY Youngsters in Berlin last week. (more…)

Crush and NoVolume by Coordination


DMY Berlin 09: designer Flip Selin of German design group Coordination presented his Crush sofa and NoVolume nesting tables at the Made in Berlin exhibition as part of DMY Extended in Berlin last week. (more…)