Woodpile BBQ Brisket: Partially cooked, fully smoked brisket delivered to your doorstep for you to finish in your own kitchen

Woodpile BBQ Brisket

Living in a city like NYC it’s often easier to eat out than spend the time and energy cooking. And, for some of us, the most gourmet meal we’re qualified to cook is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. For those of you…

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Making Mustard with Brooklyn DIY Supply: Introductory kits bring out your inner-Brooklynite

Making Mustard with Brooklyn DIY Supply

Brooklyn DIY Supply is trying to convert you. Bex Ames and Elissa Stanton—the duo behind behind the starter kit company—want you making soap, bitters, pickles, massage bars and lip balm, and they’re doing a bang-up job…

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Cool Hunting Video Presents: Superba Coffee: The ultimate in custom coffee roasts from LA’s unknown master of the bean

Cool Hunting Video Presents: Superba Coffee

In the first of our videos to air at this year’s 99u conference we took a trip to Torrence, CA just outside of Los Angeles to talk to the folks behind ,…

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DIY: 3D Confetti


Yesterday I posted a fun tutorial on BloesemKids for all paper, graphic and confetti lovers … Véronique from Pichouline  explains via images and words how you can make 3D Confetti … 

All 128 BloesemKids' DIY Projects … start making!

A world of DIY ideas with Femke Pastijn


{images by Jeroen van der Spek}

Stylist Femke Pastijn has a huge talent for styling and coming up with very simple and creative DIY ideas for the home. Taking forward the neon trend she thought of a solution for both hanging your tea towels to dry and covering your windows in a unique way. The wall hook made using a ruler and some spools are fun and very decorative for every sewing room. (All published in Dutch magazine 101-woonideeen)

I'm sure you will enjoy browsing Femke her website … so much eye-candy and not only DIY ideas, the houses she has styled for various photo-shoots are very nice to see. I would really consider calling her for adding some spice and ideas to my home too. Her contact details are right here.  


{images Louis Le Maire}


Images in the collage above are from a home in the Netherlands that Femke styled and were taken by Dutch photographer Jeltje Janmaat for again 101-woonideeen


.. Femke Pastijn

DIY: new upholstery for my chairs


Today I would like to share a personal project with you that I finished last week. Two chairs that I bought a long time ago while living in Toronto … vintage chairs in a beautiful shop on Queen street, not sure if the shop is still there? 

I never really liked the upholstery but last year I bought a whole roll of this retro fabric for only 6 euros and although I first imagined them as curtains in a perfectly white bedroom I decided to use them for these chairs instead.

The bedrooms here in our new Singapore apartment are a bit brownish already with all the wood used for the cupboards and floors so it was better to use white and light curtains instead. Not sure what I will do with the remaining fabric though 🙂

Upholstering chairs like these is actually quite easy. Just make sure you have the right stapler (you can buy in all the craft and hardware stores). Make sure you follow the patterns of the fabrics and stretch the fabric not too hard but strong enough so it doesn't wrinkle on the top. Corners are always a bit tricky but just experiment a bit and pretend you are wrapping a gift.

Good luck! ~irene xoxo






D.I.Y. by Richard Woods: The artist’s latest site-specific installation traverses art and design for a look at the ubiquity of modern renovation

D.I.Y. by Richard Woods

by Andrea DiCenzo Seductively simple and impishly clever, Richard Woods’ signature exaggerated wood grain takes new shape in a site-specific show at London’s ); return…

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A Fun DIY project


Let's stick with the insect trend … this time make some bumblebees yourself … a wonderful new Craft Project posted on BKids today … you want to make them too?

Click here and find the instructions, tools and pictures at the BKid's Craft page


 Contribution by Véronique from Pichouline for BloesemKids 

.. DIY insect pompom

The Pop-Up Pinhole Project: Help kickstart the flat-packed, DIY kit for medium format photography

The Pop-Up Pinhole Project

UK illustrator and designer Kelly Angood has developed a cultish following from DIY and analog enthusiasts ever since releasing diagrams and a how-to video for creating a camera at home in 2011. Using 120 film, the…

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Madeleine by Amy Radcliffe: A student project puts scent-capturing in the hands of the masses

Madeleine by Amy Radcliffe

Presented at Tom Dixon’s Most fair at Milan Design Week, Madeleine is a student project from Amy Radcliffe of University of…

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