Earth Hour ‘09

It’s simple. Turn off your lights for One Hour on Saturday, March 28th. For details you know what to do.

“The Smart Grid” by GE

GE recently introduced “The Smart Grid”, a new campaign that is absolutely stunning in every aspect. It’s use of 3-D rendering is in full-effect with supportive, well appointed voice overs that invite you into GE’s world of eco-tech innovation. An added bonus is an augmented reality feature where users can have the website literally jump into their hands by watching a new eco-friendly wind or solar plant unfold into a 3D hologram onscreen via their web-cam. You can see an example below:

via Digitalbuzz:

Polling Place Photo Project

As we’ve previously mentioned, The Polling Place Photo Project, was an initiative presented by Winterhouse and endorsed by the AIGA. This nationwide experiment in citizen journalism encouraged voters to document, post and share photographs of the primaries, caucuses and general elections.

The University of Hartford is hosting an exhibit which includes 200+ photographs from the archive along with four films by Andrew Sloat about democracy and the constitution. The exhibition opens on March 6th and will run until the 18th.

via DesignObserver:

One Tee = 20 Trees

Holiday Matinee has launched their artist series with 100% of the proceeds going to Plant-It 2020, a non-profit that plants indigenous trees worldwide. Find out more here.

via Treehugger:

Envirosax Introduces…

Hip, reusable bag company Envirosax recently released two new design series Candy and Oxford:

Each individual reusable bag in the new Candy Series is a stand alone eco-fashion statement. The reusable bags were designed with a 70’s Italian chic flare, with the modern active woman in mind. Oxford on the other hand takes a more gender neutral approach.



Click here to see our interview with Envirosax a while back:

The Power Hog

This pint-sized doo-hicky known as the Power Hog is geared to introduce little ones to the importance of energy efficiency. Simply plug the tail into the outlet and the device into the snout then drop in a coin to meter 30 minutes of use.

For more info click here.

Language Matters

Design 21 has announced the winners of their “Language Matters” competition geared to promote linguistic diversity and multilingualism.

Languages are essential to the identity of groups and individuals and to their peaceful coexistence. Only if multilingualism is fully accepted can all languages find their place in our globalized world. However, within the space of a few generations, more than 50% of the 7,000 languages spoken in the world may disappear. We must act now as a matter of urgency.

The selected piece above is by Vito Bica, one of the winners of the competition. To learn more click here.

Be my Valentine

Still looking for something for Valentines Day? Pick-up Project 7’s “Heart” T-Shirt to mark the occasion. Find out more here.

The WWF brings Shepard Fairey On Board

The WWF hired Shepard Fairey to develop the look for their Earth Hour campaign which is set to launch on March 28th. Earth Hour is a global initiative to ’switch off’ the globe for one hour. Yes, no electricity. 377 cities have already signed onto this global mandate to take action on climate change.

Fairey has been under a lot of heat lately, so we’ll give him a pass on what he churned out for this campaign. Truth be told, we were expecting something a bit more inspiring for this monumental one-hour global event. Your thoughts?


Call For Entries: Good 50X70

Their story in 59 seconds:

Good 50×70 project summary from Good 50×70 on Vimeo.

“The communications industry is the best in the world at grabbing people’s attention and getting them to act,” they say. “The aim of Good 50×70 is to use these skills to highlight more important things than beer and trainers. It’s a competition to raise awareness amongst the creative community of the power we have to be a force for good.”
-Good 50X70 Founders

This past year, the United States was witness to one of the most influential and inspiring political campaigns in history. The brilliant branding produced by Sender and Co., along with Fairey’s iconic portrait of Obama, served as catalysts to encourage the creative community to become active members in the political process by sharing their views and promoting discussion through visual means.

Given our present social, financial and environmental climate, the 7 endorsed charities for this competition need our help more than ever. As a creative community we can become a key players in fostering positive change. Visual communication is a powerful tool that can make a significant impact on the most pressing issues of our time.

In their words:

When we launched Good 50×70 in 2007 we had no idea how it would be received by the design community, the public, or even the charities we were working for. Two editions, fifteen workshops, twenty exhibitions and over 4,000 posters later, we believe we’re firmly on the way to accomplishing our aims of providing charities with creativity for free and waking the creative community up to the power they have to be a force for good.

Check out the 7 briefs, find one that inspires you, make a poster on that theme, upload it, repeat as necessary…

See GOOD 50X70 on Flickr:
Join GOOD 50X70 on Facebook:
