Creative Mornings/Milano – Zoe Romano

Tornano i Creative Mornings, appuntamento creativo mattiniero a Milano. Questa volta è il turno di Zoe Romano, che parlerà di collaborazione e prototipazione rapida in 3D.
Per partecipare iscrivetevi qui.

Design Library
Via Savona 11
20144 Milano
Dalle ore 8,30

Creative Mornings/Milano – Zoe Romano

Michael Bierut Talks Clients

2010/01 Michael Bierut from CreativeMornings on Vimeo.

In January, Michael Bierut was invited to speak at SwissMiss’ Creative Mornings. His insight on the issue of “clients” is a must see for any working designer. It’s an hour long, but well worth your time.

Thanks Tushar, for sharing