The poster for tomorrow competition for 2010 is now open for entries. This year the theme is the abolition of the death penalty. Learn how to participate here.
Excerpt from press release:
In 2009, countries with the highest number of executions were Iran (with at least 388 executions), Iraq (at least 120), Saudi Arabia (at least 69), and the United States (52). In China information regarding the death penalty remains a secret, but estimates show that China executes more people than the rest of the world combined.*
But there is hope—the number of people being executed around the world appears to be declining. And in December the United Nations will vote on a universal moratorium on the death penalty. It’s a vital step towards abolishing the death penalty once and for all. No matter whether you live in a country that practices capital punishment or not, we have to raise awareness across the whole world that the death penalty is a violation of human rights that has no place in modern society.