QR Code Pavillon

A l’occasion de la Biennale de l’Architecture organisée à Venise, le pavillon russe a surpris en proposant une installation entièrement composée de QR Codes géants. Visuellement réussi, ce lieu a ouvert le 31 août 2012 et il se visite avec un appareil électronique type smartphone ou tablette. A découvrir dans la suite.

QR Code Pavillon 5
QR Code Pavillon 4
QR Code Pavillon 3
QR Code Pavillon 2
QR Code Pavillon 1
QR Code Pavillon 6

Barcode Band

The Barcode Band est une brillante idée pensée et réalisée par Kang Woon Jin. Jouant avec les codes barres, ces derniers ont pu s’amuser à composer une musique autour de différentes sonorités, alliant avec talent signalétique et univers musical. Un rendu réussi à découvrir en vidéo dans la suite de l’article.

Barcode Band7
Barcode Band6
Barcode Band5
Barcode Band4
Barcode Band2
Barcode Band3
Barcode Band1

Talking Piano

[Ed. Note: I found this in the drafts folder… started this draft on February 8th, 2010 and now it’s February 3rd, 2011.]

I’m totally floored.

(via today and tomorrow)


ONull is written in Java and uses Processing as a graphical engine. Awesome vector generator that rasterizes an image to give you a vector output file. You can choose the squares, crosses, circles, etc. or you can import your own vector to use as the “pixels.” Excellent tool.

Self portrait using ONull + gCircle logo

Finding the average color in an image

Just thinking about a project and quickly found this free online tool by Wise Geek that finds the average color in an image. Seems to be good! I’ve done things like this in MATLAB before, but it’s unnecessarily complicated and Photoshop doesn’t seem to have a good way to do this… please comment if you have a better solution.

Color Averaging

The photo here is of the Stanford Solar Car.

Come a long way, kinda

Check out this “record player” iPhone app. The author, Theodore Watson, threw it together in one morning. I really like projects that get the point across quickly. It’s a build-to-think mode and sparks dialogue (like this blog post) that gets people thinking about how to use what’s around them.

At Free Art and Technology, via NOTCOT