Mophie Outride

Turn your iPhone into a waterproof wide-angle POV camera

As enthusiasm for compact personal POV cameras like GoPro and Contour continues to grow, iPhone accessory innovator Mophie recently released their solution to the dedicated camera system, Outride. The mountable case and app turns your iPhone into a protected video camera, allowing you to use your most readily available and familiar device for capturing the excitement.

Using multiple mounts the rugged, waterproof case can be affixed on a wide range of surfaces—surfboard, skateboard, bike—with minimal risk of damage to your device. The lightweight polycarbonate housing also features an integrated wide-angle lens with 170 degrees of capture, while the free Outride app lets you view footage, make edits and share videos through various social channels—meaning more than just your nearest friend can see the aftermath of the inevitable “watch this” moment.

Set to drop mid-September, Outride will be available directly from Mophie online for between $130 and $150.

Coin 4 iPhone 4 Case

Una monetina in tasca è alla portata di tutti. Questo case può tornarvi utile e non vi costringe ad avere nient’altro di superficiale.

Coin 4 iPhone 4 Case

Box Case

Case mattoncino Incase per il vostro 4S.

Just in Case Kit

Menosunocerouno a pensé avec humour “Just in Case”, une marque qui pense pour nous à la fin des temps. A titre préventif pour la fin du monde prévue pour cette année, ce package pensé par les designers mexicains détient tout le nécessaire pour la survie, le tout avec un design réussi.
















Previously on Fubiz

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iPhone Case Fubiz

Dans la continuité de l’application iPhone Fubiz, nous vous proposons de découvrir les coques iPhone 4 conçues pour Fubiz en co-branding avec Amkaphone. En plastique brillant semi-rigide pour iPhone 4 / 4S, nous vous offrons 50 cases. Les détails du concours dans la suite.




Pour gagner et recevoir une coque iPhone Fubiz, il vous suffit de laisser un commentaire sur cet article jusqu’au 10 mars. Les 50 gagnants seront tirés au sort.

Previously on Fubiz

Copyright Fubiz™ – Suivez nous sur Twitter et Facebook

Elasty iPhone Case

Questa semplice e (in teoria) funzionale concept case è stata progettata da Koo’s design vincendo i Korean Belkin Design Award. Le due fasce elastiche posteriori dovrebbero assicurare una buona presa per cuffie, soldi, etcc…Aspettiamo quindi di vederli un giorno in vendita sugli scaffali.

BookBook for iPhone

Custodia camuffata da vecchio libro per contenere iPhone, carte di credito e qualche soldo in carta. In vendita da twelve south.

The Little Black Book for iPhone4

Case formato Black Book di esplicita ispirazione. L’interno in legno può ospitare un iPhone4. Lo si trova qui.

The Little Black Book for iPhone4

Steve Jobs In Carbonite iPhone Case

I fanboy sbavano. In vendita qui prima che vada in sold out.

Steve Jobs In Carbonite iPhone Case

Incase Japan Solidarity iPhone 4 Case

Incase contribuisce alla causa giapponese con questo case per iPhone4, il ricavato verrà devoluto alla Artists Help Japan Movement.

Incase Japan Solidarity iPhone 4 Case