Nerdy Alphabet blocks

Per la nascita del suo figliolo, Jonathan G. ha costruito questi 36 blocchi alfabetici in legno dedicati a circa 134 personaggi o cose legate al nostro amato mondo nerd. Iniziamo bene.

Wooden puzzle building blocks

Solo 15 set di questi blocchi in legno sono stati prodotti e serigrafati a mano uno ad uno. Sempre in vendita su Etsy.

Wooden puzzle building blocks

Wooden puzzle building blocks

So We Survived 2012

And you know what that means right? The Mayans were wrong; the world did not end, but that doesn’t mean the end of natural disasters like floods and tsunami. Which is why it’s better to be prepared than sorry. Look forward to a bright future with preparedness gear like the Defender, which is a ‘sandbag’ for flood control. It contains absorbent recycled paper fiber that becomes heavy when wet. When dry, however, it is lightweight and is easy to handle. Stay safe people!

Defender is a 2012 red dot award: design concept winner.

Designers: Teng Xuan, Zhang Mingxi, Yang Zhaonan & Zhen Zhiliang

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs – Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Yanko Design Store – We are about more than just concepts. See what’s hot at the YD Store!
(So We Survived 2012 was originally posted on Yanko Design)

Related posts:

  1. That Yellow Bike Survived a Train Hit
  2. Ken Koo & red dot design concept 2012
  3. Most Buzzed Designs of May 2012

Building Blocks to Get Your Wheels Turning

Maykel Roovers’ latest project, titled Critical Block Miniature World, examines the sharp contrast between the innocent, small world-view of children & the serious, large (and at times painful) adult world. A second glance reveals that these cute toy blocks are a miniature version of a nuclear power plant- a representation of modern political & societal issues for adults… but to children, a harmless play thing. No matter who you are, it’s sure to spark your imagination!

Designer: Maykel Roovers

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs – Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Yanko Design Store – We are about more than just concepts. See what’s hot at the YD Store!
(Building Blocks to Get Your Wheels Turning was originally posted on Yanko Design)

Related posts:

  1. Not Your Granddad’s Building Blocks
  2. The Turning Point For A Phone
  3. Welcome Blocks of Power

ShapeMaker Blocks

#ShapeMaker è formato da 25 blocchi con i quali puoi creare divertenti facce e pattern. In legno hand-printed, dai 3 anni in su.

ShapeMaker Blocks

Ukoonto Building Blocks

Ci passerei le ore…li trovate qui.

Periodic Table Building Blocks

Se i vostri iperattivi bimbi hanno già imparato l’ABC, potrete metterli alla prova facendoli usare questi blocchi in legno raffiguranti gli elementi della tavola periodica. Non sono poi così sicuro che serva solo a bimbi di 3 anni!

Periodic Table Building Blocks

Tegu Wooden Building Blocks

Divertitevi con questi blocchi in legno magnetici. Li trovate direttamente sul sito Tegu.

Tegu Wooden Building Blocks