Bird-apartment by Nendo

Japanese designers Nendo have built an enormous woodland nesting box with 78 entrances for birds on one side and one big door for humans on the other (+ slideshow).

Bird-apartment by Nendo

The treehouse was built for observing birds at the Momofuku Ando nature centre in Komoro, in Japan’s Nagano Prefecture.

People can reach the Bird-apartment by climbing up a ladder and through a circular hole.

Bird-apartment by Nendo

Spy holes across the back wall of the apartment allow a discreet view into the 78 bird boxes on the other side.

Bird-apartment by Nendo

We’ve featured lots of treehouses on Dezeen, including a giant weaver bird’s nest in Dartmoor, UK, and a tree-top hotel in northern Sweden.

Bird-apartment by Nendo

Other designs by Nendo we’ve featured include a tote bag with a pop-out hand puppet and a set of unstable furniture that has to be balanced by books and cups.

Bird-apartment by Nendo

See all our stories about Nendo »

Bird-apartment by Nendo

See all our stories about treehouses »

Bird-apartment by Nendo

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by Nendo
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Animal Wall by Gitta Gschwendtner


London designer Gitta Gschwendtner has completed a wall that incorporates 1,000 nest boxes for birds and bats in Cardiff Bay, UK. (more…)