An Art Service

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I couldn’t find much info about the company, apparently a NYC based design and art direction shop. Lots of interesting work on their minimal site (big fan of how simple they kept it). Have a look here.

Them Thangs

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All kinds of awesome all over the place. Them Thangs (as I understand it) is a collection of inspirational images by Justin Blyth (art director, designer, and animator). Check out both the sites and all their glory.

Big Active

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Apart from a kick-ass logo, they also work with some really sick illustrators and photographers. Check out the site here.

Big Active is a creative consultancy specializing in art direction, graphic design and the select management of leading illustrators (borrowed word for word from their site info). There’s a pretty long list of illustrators worth checking out, including the particularly popular Parra, Siggi Eggertsson, and Genevieve Gauckler (to name a few).