Saatchi & Saatchi turn newspapers into wrapping paper

In a Chinese New Year stunt from Saatchi & Saatchi Hong Kong, old newspapers were turned into wrapping paper

According to Saatchi, around 1,600 trees are felled and 170,000 litres of petrol are burned annually to meet the demand in Hong Kong for wrapping paper during Chinese New Year. To raise awareness of the issue, and encourage Hong Kong residents to recycle, the agency installed its Instant Newspaper Recycler at Sun Hung Kai’s East Point City shopping centre last weekend.


Visitors who queued up to feed newspapers into the 2.4 metre-tall box were presented with the same paper just moments later, covered in one of three festive designs. Each design features a recycling icon, and Saatchi & Saatchi says it hopes the project will encourage more people to recycle in future.


More images of the event can be found on The Instant Newspaper Recycler Facebook page.

Are you earning the right amount?

How does your pay measure up? Recruitment consultancy Major Players has conducted a creative industry salary survey on design and creative jobs, both permanent and freelance


The survey, Major Players say, is based on 2,000 completed online responses. Participants were asked for their job title, what they were earning, whether their take home pay had risen in the last year, and also their opinions. Using the data collected and, Major Players say, their own expertise, the consultancy has put together the following guidelines on current UK pay levels:







The full survey can be found here

Volvo – Made by Sweden with Zlatan

Après Jean-Claude Van Damme pour Volvo Trucks, la marque Volvo a décidé de mettre en avant ses valeurs avec le footballeur suédois Zlatan Ibrahimovic. Un spot très réussi signé Seb Edwards d’Academy Films, illustrant le sportif dans son pays natal défiant la nature, entre chasse, natation et escapade en voiture.

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CMYK Playing Cards

Voici la campagne Kickstarter pour une création d’un jeu de cartes que le studio de design anglais Hundred Million a conçu. Ce jeu comporte des nuances de 4 couleurs différentes : Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-Key et transforme complètement les jeux de cartes traditionnels. Plus de détails dans la suite de l’article.

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AirBnB Installation by Timothy Goodman

Timothy Goodman a imaginé cette jolie installation pour l’entreprise Airbnb. Cette création géante a demandé 3 mois de préparation et 10 jours pour tout mettre en place, voulant ainsi illustrer toutes les expériences et anecdotes que les rencontres peuvent provoquer à travers de jolies illustrations. A découvrir dans la suite.

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Ad of the Week: Old Spice, Interneterventions

Old Spice has been on rollicking form so far this year. First they gave us the unforgettable Momsong, and now Isaiah Mustafa has staged a series of ‘Interneterventions’, to try and stop us looking at rubbish websites … and buy Old Spice instead. The campaign is our Ad of the Week.

Created by Wieden + Kennedy Portland, the Interneterventions are linked to a number of banner ads for dodgy products such as the ‘100% Solid Gold Headset’, ‘Executive Spray Tan Parties’, ‘The Illegal Neck Workout Machine’, and, my favourite, ‘Tough Sheets’. When you click through, it initially looks like you’ve gone to a genuine website, but then the Man Your Man Could Smell Like arrives to set you on the path to internet goodness.

We’ve put links to some of the sites in the campaign below:

Half the pleasure of the campaign lies in the hilarious details contained in the fake websites, as much as in the arrival of the Old Spice Man. Banner ads for the sites have supposedly been seeded around the internet – or if you can’t find them that way, each site also has an option to prank your friends with them too. Surely an excellent way to while away the rest of Friday afternoon.

Agency: Wieden + Kennedy Portland
ECDs: Susan Hoffman, Joe Staples
Creative directors: Craig Allen, Jason Bagley
Interactive creative director: Matt O’Rourke
Creatives: Andy Langenour, Matt Sorrell, Matt Moore, Croix Gagnon
Digital production company: Stinkdigital
Production company: Skunk
Director: Craig Allen
Editorial: Arcade Edit
Editor: Geoff Hounsell

The Street Store

The Street Store a été fondé par Max Pazak et Kayli Vee Levitan de l’agence M&C Saatchi Abel en Afrique. Il s’agit d’une action caritative qui utilise seulement des affiches comme un espace de magasin, pour permettre aux sans-abris d’avoir de nouveaux vêtements offerts par des passants. Une belle leçon de générosité.


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Channel 4’s Super Bowl sickie service

Channel 4 has launched a spoof online sickie service encouraging UK viewers stay up late and watch its coverage of the Super Bowl next Sunday night.

Super Bowl coverage starts at 10.30pm on Sunday February 2 and runs until early Monday morning. 4 claims that more Brits call in sick on the day following the NFL game than any other day in the year, and has set up a site offering readers virtual sicknotes and advice on pulling ‘the perfect sickie’.

Visitors can choose from a range of spoof 24-hour illnesses that it claims will provide the perfect cover for staying up late and hosting a Super Bowl party.

Afflictions include bacon disease – which results in dehydration and a craving for salty food – nausea, headache and fatigue-inducing bibituria hangovurus and tinglititis, which is apparently known to cause sore throats and wind. Once users choose their desired illness, they are offered a virtual sicknote signed by ‘Dr Pigskine’, which they can download or share on social media.

The site also contains some amusing video tutorials offering advice on avoiding suspicion – one details the most convincing sick noises to make while at work, reminiscent of Ferris Bueller’s ingenious sickie sound system, while another warns of the dangers of returning to work with too much energy.

The campaign was produced in-house by 4Creative and directed by Molly Manners, and the responsive site was built by London and Edinburgh-based agency, Realise. 4 Creative is also airing a TV spot to promote the Super Bowl, showing a viewing party of epic proportions:

It’s a clever idea and the site features some excellent added details, such as spoof websites for each fake illness, links to hangover-friendly Channel 4 programming and a ‘duvet day’ Spotify playlist, providing further encouragement to enjoy a lengthy lie-in come Monday morning.

Transport for London Campaign

Le designer et illustrateur anglais Chris LaBrooy, dont nous avons déjà parlé sur Fubiz avec le projet Auto Aerobics, a été sollicité par Transport for London pour créer des affiches de publicité. Le projet a été conçu avec l’agence M&C Saatchi basée à Londres, sous la direction artistique de Will Bates.

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The Invisible Skate Ramps

La marque Nomad Skateboards en partenariat avec l’agence Lola Madrid a réalisé une jolie opération de street-marketing intitulée « Take back your city », permettant aux amateurs de skateboard de se réapproprier la ville, avec des rampes camouflées dans le décor. Un rendu intelligent et très bien exécuté.

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