Stylehive’s Stylescopes Help You Destress With Pampering Products!

imageTis the season to be jolly! Friends, family, shopping, parties, gift-giving, delicious foods; all these bring joy and laughter… and sometimes tears and nervous breakdowns. While this time of year is full of merriment, sometimes the more the merrier is in fact the more the scarier. Besides all the festivities and fun times going on, this season is also known to be one of the most stressful. While some signs handle the holidays a little better than others (like stubborn Taurus vs. laid-back Libra), we’re all going to be a little stressed in the coming couple of months. A quick consultation with the constellations help see what stresses may befall us and let us know what pampering spa product would be best suited to help us relax and rejuvenate! So don’t be caught being a Scrooge this holiday season and check out the slideshow to see what the stars have to say about finding the perfect spa product to help you de-stress!

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