Snoop and Woopy by Karim Rashid for B-Line

Snoop and Woopy by Karim Rashid for B-Line

Designer Karim Rashid has created this rotational-moulded chair for Italian furniture brand B-Line.

Snoop and Woopy by Karim Rashid for B-Line

Called Woopy, the hollow plastic chair is moulded in one piece, and can be used indoors and outdoors.

Snoop and Woopy by Karim Rashid for B-Line

An accompanying footstool, called Snoop, has two pockets reaching into its legs and can be stacked to form a bookshelf.

More about Karim Rashid on Dezeen »

See also:


Cross by
Karim Rashid
Snap Chair by
Karim Rashid
Tron chair
by Dror
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