Secret Blisters exhibition

Regular readers of this blog may recall that in February we posted up a call for entries for Secret Blisters, an exhibition organised by Print Club London of 35 screenprints – each by a different artist, each in an edition of 35, selling for £35 a piece. As we mentioned in that blogpost, artists signatures will be hidden at the show, to encourage peopple to buy the posters they like, rather than buying simply for the sake of who the artist is.

Now the artists have been selected, the prints designed and printed, ready for the exhibition which opens next week at MC Motors in London’s Dalston. Print Club London has sent us a handful of images to whet our whistle – and, of course, hasn’t told us which print is by who, although we can guess some of them…




The list of exhibiting artists looks like this:

Agent Provocateur / Alex Ponting / Alice Stallard / Andy Miller / Andy Smith / Anthony Peters / Anthony Atkinson / Anthony Burrill / Cept / Chrysa Koukoura / David Walker / Dominic Meaker / Eine / Harry Malt / Holly Wales / Iain Hector / Ian McDonnell / Ian Stevenson / Joe Wilson / John Doe / Jonathan Krawczuk / James Joyce / Jody Barton / Jon Burgerman / Kate Moross / Luke Whittaker / Miles Donovan / Masa / Mathew Humphrey / Matthew Green / Marc Stewart / Martyna Zdanowicz / Melvin Galapon / Oli Frape / Paula Castro / Paul Bommer / Peter Stitson / Pure Evil / Revenge is sweet / Richard Hogg / Rose Stallard / Rugman / Rude / Ryan Todd / Serge Seidlitz / Si Scott / Steve Wilson / Telegramme / Tinsel Edwards / Tom Eastland / William Edmonds

Secret Blisters runs from 26-28 June at MC Motors, Millers Avenue, Dalston, London, E8

Here’s the poster:

Full details at


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