Sea-Inspired Accessories Help Turn Your Home Into A Beachside Escape!

imageIs there anything more relaxing than a tranquil stay at a beach-front home? While it may be hard to venture off to a seaside escape, bringing under-the-sea-inspired home decor and the soothing colors of the ocean into your own living space is easily doable and beneficial to everyone. While an under-the-sea theme usually conjures up the bright colors and cartoon-like sea creatures reminiscent of Disney movies and kids’ birthday parties, putting a more tasteful spin on things is easy! Subtle home accessories, peaceful colors and rich, quality materials make you home into a mini-beach front getaway, even if you live in the middle of the city. Click on the slideshow to see some stylish sea-inspired home accents that will help turn your space into a calm and charming Octopus’s Garden!

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