Rhubarb by Emma Marga Blanche at 20 Designers at Biologiska

Rhubarb by Emma Marga Blanche at 20 Designers at Biologiska

Stockholm 2011: French designer Emma Marga Blanche presented these pleated lamps as part of 20 Designers at Biologiska (see our earlier story), which she co-curated with Fredrik Färg during Stockholm Design Week.

Rhubarb by Emma Marga Blanche at 20 Designers at Biologiska

Called Rhubarb, the lamps are made from folded polypropylene and fan outwards from their bases, creating a cluster of precise but organic forms when positioned together.

Rhubarb by Emma Marga Blanche at 20 Designers at Biologiska

The lamps were displayed on circular landings at the Biologiska museum in stockholm, surrounded by a 360 degree diorama of stuffed animals and sea birds.

Rhubarb by Emma Marga Blanche at 20 Designers at Biologiska

More about 20 Designers at Biologiska in our earlier story.

Rhubarb by Emma Marga Blanche at 20 Designers at Biologiska

Stockholm Design Week took place 7-13 February. See all our coverage of the event here »

Rhubarb by Emma Marga Blanche at 20 Designers at Biologiska

Here’s a little text from Emma Marga Blanche:


A pleated armature, like an elegant rhubarb, that grows directly out of the earth.

20 Designers at Biologiska

It is a series of lamps made of folded polypropylene which created a light atmosphere of vegetation.Symmetric and organic at the same time.

See also:


Fredrik Färg at
David Taylor
at Biologiska
More about
the exhibition
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