Processing thoughts

McCann Erickson Manchester has created a poster campaign for a mental health organisation that combines photography and Processing to great effect

The two six sheet posters are for Leeds Counselling and will appear in doctors’ surgeries, clinics, student halls and other suitable locations throughout Leeds.

They feature faces are made of ‘strings of type’ recounting the types of issues people need to discuss at counselling. The images were created by San Francisco-based ‘Scloopy’ using a piece of software he wrote in Processing.

“We supplied him with black and white shots (by photographer Steve Deer) and text,” explains McCann creative partner Richard Irving. “The software takes the image and draws little lines all over it. The tips of the lines look for brightness in the image. It acts like a fungus and grows in real time to produce the finished result. No two images are ever the same, even if the same info is used.”

Irving says that there are plans to create a ‘live’ version of the process for the web and possibly a cinema commercial.

See more of Scloopy’s work here

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