Oogst 1000 Wonderland by Tjep.

Here’s the third installment from the Oogst self-sufficient farming project by Dutch designers Tjep.: Oogst 1000 Wonderland, which features a farm, restaurant, hotel and amusement park designed to sustain 1,000 visitors a day.


Like Oogst 1 Solo (a farm designed to sustain one person) and Oogst 100 Community (designed to house and feed up to 100 people), this design aims to cater for visitors by providing everything they need and recycling all waste.


All food is grown and raised on site, hotel guests stay for free but must work on the farm and waste is used to generate more energy through a bio-gas energy system, meaning visitors are paid to use the toilets.


The complete Oogst project, in three chapters, will be presented as part of an exhibition at Design Huis in Eindhoven next week as part of an exhibition called Boer zoekt stijl, curated by Li Edelkoort.


Here’s some more text from Tjep.:

Oogst 1000 Wonderland

After Oogst 1 Solo and Oogst 100 Community, here is the third and last of three proposals by Dutch designers Tjep. for a self-sufficient farm: Oogst 1000 Wonderland. Please visit the project website to review the complete project.


Oogst 1000 Wonderland combines a farm, restaurant, hotel and amusement park for 1,000 visitors a day. All food for the restaurant comes from the central structure and directly adjacent fields. Oogst 1000 combines fun with usefulness.


One can see this amusement park as a huge people processor, people enter with an empty belly and leave with a full belly, and this without taking or adding anything from the earth, and having fun all along the proces.


The hotel guests are the farmers, when you work, you can stay for free. And the concept displays some sharp edges, such as the abatoire right below the restaurant. Every fairy tail has it’s darker side.


Original Dutch farm buildings have been implemented but the traditional layout of the farm has been completely re-arranged.


Everything is linked by high-end agricultural technologies such as a bioreactor, a heat management system, CO2 recycling etc… the whole forming an as self-sustainable possible system.


The complex also has a didactic function giving insights into new agricultural developments and explaining them to visitors.


Special detail: Oogst 1000 Wonderland restaurant toilets are also linked to the bio-gas energy system, so Oogst 1000 offers the worlds first toilets where you actually get paid Euro 0.50- per visit.


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