Nifty Nautical Finds For Vintage Fashionistas

imageYou may remember from elementary school history that Magellan was the first person to circumnavigate the globe and it was quite the feat. He started his voyage with 280 men and five ships on September 1519 and arrived back in port almost three years later with only one ship and 18 crew members remaining. But does anyone know the name of the first woman to circumnavigate the globe? That distinction belongs to Krystyna Chojnowska-Liskiewicz, who completed her journey in 1976 in only 401 days. Oh, and she did it solo! Of course, not all of us have the drive for adventure and the bravery required for such daring-do. But if you don’t see a personal yacht in your future, don’t despair. You can still embrace the spirit of sailing with these nifty nautical finds. Just click the slideshow to see the selection!

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