New watches available exclusively for Valentine’s Day at Dezeen Watch Store

Love knows not by Mr Jones Watches at Dezeen Watch Store

Dezeen Watch Store: Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and we have two watches by Mr Jones Watches of London that will make the perfect gift for your loved one.

Love knows not by Mr Jones Watches at Dezeen Watch Store

Love Knows Not (above) is the first watch in our Valentine’s Day selection. Crispin Jones of Mr Jones Watches based the design on the idea that the watch hides a secret message between lovers. 

Love know not what by Mr Jones Watches at Dezeen Watch Store

As time passes, a seemingly nonsensical jumble of letters rotates around the watch face. Once every hour the letters assemble to spell the phrase “Love knows not what time is”. As quick as the phrase is spelt, the letters fall back into an illegible scramble to hide the message once again.

Always on my mind by Mr Jones Watches at Dezeen Watch Store

The second watch available exclusively for Valentine’s Day is Always On My Mind (above), also by Crispin Jones of Mr Jones Watches, who based the design of the watch on the sentimentality of a love letter.

Always on my mind by Mr Jones Watches at Dezeen Watch Store

Instead of traditional hands, the watch displays the word “always” as the hour hand and the words “on my mind” for the minute hand. This statement reminds the wearer that not a minute goes by without their loved one thinking about them.

Other watches available by Mr Jones Watches at Dezeen Watch Store are All around the world, a watch that tells the time in eight different countries, and Cyclops where each hour on the watch face is represented by a different coloured circle.

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Valentine’s Day at Dezeen Watch Store
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