Maryland Introduces New Explosion-y License Plate Design


Just because this writer is in Norway doesn’t mean that red hot license plate design news back in the States stops. Far from it. Over the weekend, the State of Maryland announced that it would be replacing their current black and white, very straightforward, clean and simple edition with a new, special “War of 1812” version, complete with wavy flags and either fireworks or some kind of sea anemone (it’s probably fireworks). While patriotic and not nearly as terrible as what else we’ve seen out there, it’s certainly a blow to the trend we’ve seen over the past couple of months, in wonderful places like New York and Montana, where the decision to return to more civil, simple design improved the standing of those states across the universe (or at least to this writer). Maryland will continue along with these commemorative new plates until 2015, when hopefully they will come to their senses.

Related to plate design, Ken Carbone over at Fast Company recently filed this post about the sorry state of car identifiers in this country. While we now have our eye on Carbone, given that he’s cutting into our turf, we appreciate that he put a call out to designers like Stefan Bucher and Craig Minor to come up with plate ideas of their own.

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