Makeup 101: Is Mineral Makeup For You?

imageIt’s no secret that I love Bare Escentuals Mineral Makeup. I ban myself from going in the store because I simply can’t control my credit card when in the presence of such amazing makeup. When friends need to go in I blab on and on about what they should get, to the point where sales associates consider offering me a job. Don’t worry though, I don’t actually work for a mineral makeup company so everything I’m telling you is legit; no one is paying me under-the-table (but if you are from B.E and are lookin to throw some dough my way… hit me up). Okay, so before you dismiss this as just another article advertising mineral makeup, listen up: I’m going to tell you exactly what the benefits are so you can decide if mineral makeup is right for you. There are so many things you need to know (beyond what those ladies tell you in the 3am infomercial) and you may realize that mineral makeup is the best thing for you and your punim (that’s face).
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