LimeLife Has The Scoop On Sarah Jessica Parker’s Halston Gig!

imageIn case you haven’t heard, Sarah Jessica Parker has been named President and Chief Creative Officer of Halston and also has an equity stake in the company. Whoa, that’s a big deal! According to Sarah, “I think this is a brand new kind of business model, and it illustrates how serious I am about this position. I think it’s wonderful to feel invested in something… I tend not to just endorse something. I like feeling the stakes.” Sounds like a good plan actually. Maybe if Ungaro had made Lindsay Lohan invest in her line at the company, she would have tried a little bit harder! For all you doubters of Sarah Jessica Parker (I know you’re out there!), she understands why you’re concerned. She says, “I know I come to the company in a rather unorthodox way but I’m not the first to be president of a company without the traditional background… Others have been successful in those endeavors and I do so hope I can be as well.” To read more about SJP’s new high-stakes job and her plans for the future of the company, click over to LimeLife!
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