Lanvin Hearts H&M And We Heart Them Both!

image‘What does luxury mean today?’, ponders Lanvin designer, Alber Elbaz, chatting about his new collaboration with H&M.

‘Can luxury be exclusive and democratic at the same time? How can we translate the essence of luxury to a wider audience? The world around us is changing rapidly and I find myself asking these questions more and more. A designer’s work is usually tailored to a very small group of people, but the collection for H&M was about trying to translate the dream of luxury to the masses. It was almost like going back to school for me.’

Happily, school’s out come November 23rd when the collection hits stores – an array of his signature colorful, Parisian-glam frocks & accessories oozing playful joie de vivre, not to mention sporty classics & natty tuxedos – for daytime! – for Lanvin lovin’ fashionistos.

Read more about this amazing collaboration by clicking over to our friends at FashionTribes!

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