Interaction designer Alexis Brion on interfaces in consumer products


Ah, the minutiae of physical interface design. Alexis Brion’s insightful gripe on the Design vs. Art Blog points out that most camera manufacturers have uniformly adopted a rather silly interface feature: The wheel that isn’t a wheel.


The problem with this design is that the wheel does not behave like a wheel, meaning that it can not be rotated in any direction. In most cases, we saw that wheels were actually 4 buttons put together. Even worse, those buttons usually had totally different functions.

Come to think of it, I have always subconsciously hated that little ring button, but never thought about it much until Brion brought it up.

Another piece of Brion’s I enjoyed was “Telephone design for elderly people,” featuring the phones pictured below and listing some do’s and don’t’s. Am loving the handwritten speed-dial list the Doro phone on the left! I’m not even old and I want one.



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