Hot In The Hive: The Sphere Sleep System By Karim Rashid

imageEver had one of those days when you wake up and just wish you could stay in bed all day? Oh, just about every day, right? As comfortably inviting as your current bed may already be, imagine if it also had a built-in massage system. And a 32-inch TV and theater system. And a champagne holder! Basically, what if that tempting bed of yours was literally an all-in-one pleasure cove of relaxation, entertainment, and pure sleeping bliss? Clearly, The Sphere by Karim Rashid is a bed/haven only for the extremely self-disciplined, because with its advanced massaging capabilities by Hollandia International and its built-in entertainment system, mustering up the motivation to actually set foot outside its cozy high-tech enclosure would be a daily battle. Though I guess with its LED canopy lights, you technically could get reading and work done without even having to get out of bed to so much as flip a light switch. If it weren’t for the need to actually eat, I could probably justify living in the thing — I guess the only thing it’s missing is literally the kitchen sink! Until that upgrade comes along, check out the ridiculously luxurious customizable bed at the Hollandia International official site!

Price: contact Hollandia International for ordering info! My guess is not cheap…
Who Found It: xgalexy was the first to add The Sphere to the Hive.

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