Hot In The Hive: The Sony W Series Walkman

imageOne would think that being both a jogger and a musicophile is a personality combo made in athlete’s heaven, given all the Apple-Nike collabos and music-friendly running accessories, not to mention all the sweet hour-long cardio remixes I’ve stumbled across on Pandora. But running with your music device is easier said than done, unfortunately, especially if you’re jogging out in the fresh air without a treadmill’s shelf to perch your player upon. In an effort to keep my hands free, I’ve even tucked my iPod under the band of my sports bra… which kept it secure, but soaked in sweat by the time my run was over (sorry, TMI). Sure, you could always buy an armband holster specifically for your mp3 gadget, but I’m still always getting my headphone wires snagged and yanked out by bushes and mailboxes I’ve narrowly had to bypass. Is it just me, or should combining these hobbies be much less complicated?! With the Sony W Series Walkman, it finally is! The 2-gig gizmo combines the music player and the earpieces into a one-part device, so it’s literally just a pair of headphones — no wires to get tangled in or contraption to tuck anywhere but your ears! It functions similarly to the iPod Shuffle, only let’s face it — this is much more convenient for a girl on the go. Plus, even if you’re not sold yet on the concept itself, how can you resist its hot pink design?

Price: $69.99
Who Found It: xgalexy was the first to add the Sony W Series Walkman to the Hive.

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